Friday, July 2, 2010


Do you ever wonder why it is you have the friends you do? Me too! Do you ever wonder why someone was on your path that day? I often think about the many people that have wondered in and out of my life, and me theirs, and the things we each have brought and left behind. They may not all be "friends", maybe acquaintances, maybe co-workers (who hopefully are a little of both). Your definition of friendship is probably quite different than mine. But no matter what you call them, people that cross your path in this lifetime have an impact on your life. It might be so small you don't recognize it right away, or at all for that matter. But, an impact they do have. I look back on my life and wonder many, many times about where people that I have known are right now. Did they marry? Have kids? Move to another country? Are they happy? Sometimes I wish I could re-connect just to see how what their past 40 years have been like.

Over the pas 40 years we, my husband, son and I, have lived many places. I could say that it's been very difficult and not at all pleasant. But, if I said that, I would negate all the lives I've had a chance to be a part of. It would have probably have molded me into a different person. (Some might say this would have been a good thing I imagine.) However, to change even one small detail would have changed the outcome of where I am and who I am. Believe it or not, I'm pretty content with where I am right now. I don't know if I were any different if I could handle the task the Lord has in front of me right now. The task of emotionally supporting a son who is dying of cancer and his wife. I'm finding it can be quite e a daunting task. Don't get me wrong, it's not the supporting that's difficult, it's the reason, the cancer that is taking him away. It is in no way burdensome. It is a privilege that the Lord is giving me the strength to hold on and keep a smile on my face. But, just because you see that smile does not mean that my mother's heart is not broken. It is. And I know that one of these days, I'm going to crumble. I know that too. But you know what? I have a husband who is unfailing. He's right there every step of the way. He might not understand what's going on or why I'm reacting the way I am but his arms and heart are always there even when he's hurting too.

I have tons and tons of friends, those people and acquaintances, who have crossed my lifelong path that are there and are lifting me up in prayer and support. I don't even know who they might be, but I know they're there.

I have family. Wow, what would we do without family? Sometimes they're crazy or we are or the mix is crazy, but you know what, even though we might get really, really ticked at the way they react or respond it's still our responsibility to love them and treat them with respect. If we all reacted and responded to every situation the exact same way what an awful world this would be. They have a right to their feelings and responses just the way we do. And I'm just going to throw this out there for good measure. If you have a problem with someone, please go talk with them about it and not to every other member of the family. Good gracious people, we all make mistakes. Enough said.

I have this enormous, wonderful support group at work. They are amazing! They check in on me, they listen when I want to scream and yell or when I want to pound something (my desk, not my co-worker!) They support me and "keep the fires burning" if I need to take time to spend with my son. I don't have a clue as to how to let them know what they all mean in my life. As always, "thank you" sounds so trite, but I know they know I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

So as you make your way through your day be aware of the people that cross your path. Say hi, acknowledge them, give them a smile. You just never know what tomorrow will bring.

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