Sunday, March 13, 2011

My Heavenly Father Holds My Hand

Here I sit on a mountaintop and the view around me is glorious.  Although chilly, the sun is out and shining through the white billowy clouds as they float through the most amazing blue sky.  The trees are tall, majestic and green set off by the curve, tips and and roll of the mountains.  The air is fresh and the silence is amazing. The only thing breaking the silence is the voice of the birds as they chirp their praises to their Creator this beautiful Sunday morning.  As long as I have known the Lord He continues to amaze me.  I wonder if I still continue to amaze Him?  

It's been a very long, long time since I have had, or have made, an opportunity to reflect on how amazing my Heavenly Father is, and for that I am very ashamed.  I talk with Him often as I go about my day.  I love Him beyond measure.  I couldn't imagine not talking with my hubby on a daily basis and I love him with all that is within me.  So, why is it I don't make the time each day to have a real conversation with my Heavenly Father?  I don't have the answer....yet, but I'm hoping with the quiet time here on the mountain the Lord and I will begin those long conversations again.  I know He will guide me to the answer if I ask as He guides the morning light through the clouds to the top of the mountain.

I'm finding that the "haze" of life from the past years of work and life is beginning to lift a little. I want the Lord to be an essential part of my life even more. I'm hungry to renew that fellowship in a deeper sense and not just the casual conversations that we've had over the years.  It's hard to explain, but I think what it has really boiled down to is, I've been taking my Heavenly Father for granted. I know that my salvation is a guaranteed thing.  I know that my Heavenly Father isn't going anywhere.  I know that there are consequences for bad decisions but I also know that my Heavenly Father is forgiving and always wants the best for me.  I'm so sure of these things that just like I did as a child and took my father's love for granted at times, I have come to do that with my Heavenly Father.  For that I am extremely sad.  I don't know what I've missed, good or bad, but I do know that He has missed me just as I have missed Him.

It's not that the "haze" was a bad thing.  I am so thankful the Lord gave me the opportunity to work where I did and with the people I did. I hope I left my friends and family at work with the knowledge that I love the Lord and He is amazing. It's just that while I worked I was so focused on work and the life that surrounded it, the demands of that life and the life outside of work, I neglected to give my Heavenly Father that same focus.

It's amazing what sitting on one of God's mountaintops and looking at the beauty He has created makes me realize.  This is a time of refreshing. There are no demands, no strings, just time to reflect on God's glory and remember that in all that is going on around me I can decide to Choose Joy and depend on the Lord.

"People are like stained-glass windows,
They sparkle and shine when the sun is out
but when the darkness sets in
their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within."

Now, to those of my friends who read my blog.  If, after having known me, no matter how long, I have not shown you the love of my Heavenly Father, I owe you an apology.  Even though policy and rules in our places of employment can prevent us from speaking of my personal relationship with the Lord, I would hope that my attitude and my life would speak for themselves.

I thank the Lord for the mountain tops where I can regain strength and perspective.  But, I don't want to forget the valleys.  The valleys are where the fruit grows.  It's where the streams are that water the fruit and where the sunshine streams through the trees to make the fruit grow. God is in all places...and I'm looking forward to the days ahead enjoying and learning on the mountain tops and in the valleys with my hubby and Heavenly Father by my side. 

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