Sunday, May 6, 2012

Pride & Joy

Son, you are our pride & joy.
Good morning son! It's a beautiful day. I've been looking forward to our "conversation" this morning. The quotes around the word conversation are there on purpose. Just want to make sure people don't think I think I'm talking out loud and believe I'm having an actual conversation with you. However, if I were, and you were here, this would be the conversation we would be having. Any hoo, life continues to be full and busy. No complaints here. It's taken almost a year but I feel like I'm getting back into the swing of my studio life. Notice the Joy bottle? Reminds me of your tattoo.

Where to start, where to start!  I think I told you last week that I spend the afternoon with Corey and the kids. What I didn't tell you what that Sierra had her nose pierced. It was quite the adventure. We headed out, Corey, Jamo, Trey, Hunter, Josie and me, to Starbucks for coffee and breakfast. We ended up meeting a friend of Sierra's who was also going to get her nose pierced. First of all, kids under 18 are not allowed in a piercing establishment, even in the lobby. We had that covered though, I was there and could stay with the kids. The next hurdle? Even though a parent was with them to sign the authorization for piercing, the signature had to be notarised. Therein began the adventure. The adventure of finding a bank or, better yet, an attorney, that was open on Saturday at 2 p.m.? Corey was driving, 'nough said! The open bank or attorney's office didn't stand a chance. For that matter, neither did the piercing parlor.The kids were allowed to stay in the "lobby" area. The "couch" in the lobby consisted of a back seat of a very small car. At one point, Jamo, Hunter, Josie, Trey and I were all the "couch", not a pretty site. The piercing itself? It took about 10 minutes!

And so the week began!

My lilacs are blooming. I love lilacs. Remember out house on "G" Street in Springfield. Before we put the addition on the house we had three in the backyard. A dark purple, lavender and white. The house and yard smelled so good when those were in bloom. Dad and Jamison cut me some while they were on their walk yesterday. The house smells great.  Now would be a good time for dad to cook his bacon. The lilacs would hide the odor.  

L-R Allegra, Alexis and Arianna
Yesterday was Cinco de Mayo and Arianna's birthday. Can you believe how beautiful they are. We don't get to see them very often but the memories of when they were little and they spent so much time with us and in the pool in Oakdale are still with us. It was so much fun at that time in their lives. We had such great fun. They are such pretty young ladies and we love them tons. Neither dad nor I can't believe they're in high school and growing up. Julie did good! Dad, Jamison and I are planning a trip to CA for Christmas this year. The Lord willing our plan is to go and spend a month. We're planning and saving. We'll see how things work out.

Dad and the "fastest" airplane ever made.
So I have a new one for you. We're (Corey, Josh, Dylan, Josie and I) at the theater last week to see Chimpanzee, which by the way is a wonderful movie. I was paying for the treats and needed another dollar so I open my change pocket and pull out 3 quarters, 2 dimes and a nickle. The person behind the counter scooped up the quarters, pointed to the 2 dimes and a nickle and said, "I need another quarter". I said, "2 dimes and a nickle equal a quarter" to which she responded, "no, I'll need another quarter, we don't take dimes and nickles" to which I responded, "you do tonight because I'm not using a credit card when I have enough cash". She looked at me and frowned and I said, "you're kidding me right?!" We picked up out treats and went to the movie. "I don't take dimes and quarters." Give me a break! I can just see you now, you'd be looking for another quarter, "because she's just doing her job and going by the rules" and saying, "she's just doing what they've told her to do mom. It's not her fault." It's legal tender for crying out loud. Sometimes you have to take a second look at what you've been told to do and question the validity of it. It's not like you didn't ever question anything! You had more questions than I would have ever thought could be asked. Dad and I always thought that was a good thing. I know, sometimes we'd get frustrated at the amount of questions. But, we were always glad that you felt the freedom to ask. You're questioning mind was with you always. You were always seeking an answer. You questioned what someone told you but it didn't end there. If you thought someone wasn't right about something you did research to find the truth. You had an amazing knowledge of scripture. You loved to debate. My gosh how you loved to debate. You should have been on the debating team in high school. You would have been great. I never saw it as you wanting to be right, but as trying to help someone understand. To me it was like dad calling on a new client and being told "no". Dad never understood "no" when it came to sales. Receiving a "no" from a client simply meant to dad that they client didn't understand so he'd regroup and go back. Most of the time, he got the client. As you know, dad is one of the most tenacious men on the planet. You followed a close second! How does that work in heaven? Do you have all your questions answered? Does any of it matter anymore? I sure hope not. I hope you're just enjoying being Aaron. THAT is really something to celebrate!

So, changing the subject altogether, evidently we are going to have a new chicken. Now that the others are older they are able to "free range" during the day and when the sun sets they're either back in the coop on their own, or, if the gate is closed, they're huddled and waiting to get let in. Evidently Corey doesn't think they have a sufficient number of "fancy" chickens. Well actually, none of the current chickens could be classified as "fancy". They're just the "worker" chickens. Can you imagine what the "hair dresser" alone for this chicken is going to cost?

Oh, guess what? Bill (Spiry) is graduating from Law School at University of Bill Spiry Oregon on May 19th! I'm sure it's been an amazing journey for him, and knowing Bill, for his family too. I haven't talked with him for a while, with the exception of Facebook and email but Julie posted this clip on Facebook. He's the happiest I've seen him in a long, long time and I'm so very proud of him. It wasn't easy at all to have to change careers at 50, but he did it and did it well. Now, once he passes the bar, on his first try, right Bill?; free legal advice for 10 years! Woo hoo! I worked with Bill in HR for 10 years and we had a great time and helped a lot of people. I'm not saying we didn't knock heads once in awhile, but I will say I learned tons from him and we're still friends. Julia, CONGRATULATIONS! You did it!

I'm still working part time and loving it. We moved to our new digs last week. I'm anxious to see the new space. The last time I saw it nothing really had been done so it's going to be exciting when things are finally finished....right, that's what I said, we're out of the old digs and into the new...almost. We're actually going to be working out of the Hilton Garden for probably a week. The contractor had some troubles getting things done so we're working out of the Hilton until things come together. We're a pretty mobile group so we should be fine. I'll send you some pictures as soon we get in. I'm really excited.

So, I'm going to tell you right now. I am NOT looking forward to Mother's Day this year. I've done okay with other holidays but I already know this isn't going to be good. I'm already crying at Mother's Day commercials. I mean really. I've asked dad if we can just go someplace, even for a drive, and just have a quiet day. Of all holidays, this is going to be the hardest. See, I'm tearing up just thinking about it. It will be the first year in 22 years I won't get a handmade card from you. I still have every card you made for me. I will always cherish them. My intent is to make an album. No chance you could get a card to me this year? I didn't think so.

Will you recognize me in heaven?

Until next week, be Aaron, I love you. mom

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