Good morning son! How are you? It's been a very interesting
week always and more to come. We're in the beginning stages of Sandy!
Hurricane Sandy that is. We'll begin to feel the effects this afternoon and by
tomorrow night we should be in for some heavy rains. Your Aunt Julie and your
sister are probably going to get snow. The girls will be in hog heaven. Snow!
They use to love the snow. Remember the year they came to Oregon for Christmas?
What a fun time we had. They spent hours playing with the Christmas village and
train set on the coffee table. It was so much fun.
Last night we were at Jon and Corey's and celebrated dad and Sierra's birthdays since they're only a day apart. It was a rip-roaring time....just like always; pasta and pesto and/or red sauce, garlic bread and yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting for dessert. Yum!
Dad, Jamison and I are as prepared as we can get for the hurricane. We picked up some supplies yesterday. If it gets too bad we can head to Jon and Corey's. We should be just fine. Eric and Scott will probably be in worse weather in New Jersey than we are here. We're further North. The news this morning is saying thought that we could get 70-80 mph winds. It's a good thing we just got a new porch. Maybe it will hold. The other one would have disappeared out into the neighborhood.
As the storm approaches I've been thinking about other storms in life. It seems life is never free of storms of one kind or the other. Some are minor, some devastating. I wonder what it would be like to not have life's storms? Are there storms in heaven? If so, what do they look like? I can't imagine that you would. After all, heaven is perfect. But, since I don't know what perfect really looks like, I wouldn't recognize it. Storms here in my life, because I'm the only one I can speak for, can be troublesome in so many different ways and at so many different levels. I do know that when I get so wrapped up in my own storms I tend to miss what others are going through or needing. Last night I was reminded of something very important, “I was crying because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.” –Anonymous. I try really hard not to focus on my own storms but keep in mind something I re-heard again yesterday. I never want to lose sight of the fact that somewhere, out there in the world someone is worse off than me. And yet, is so very easy to do. The storms in life hit us all differently. What could be disastrous for one, a hurricane, is simply a rain shower for another. It's all about our perspective on life and from where we draw our strength. At least that's my perspective. Just about the time I think the storm is going to overtake me and there's no solution in site. Boom, the sun comes out and God provides relief from the most unlikely source.
I was feeling a tiny storm in my
head over the last few weeks trying to keep our budget intact. I said to
the Lord, very casually last week that it would be so great if I could find
something that would bring in an additional $200-300/mo WITHOUT me having to go
to work every day; something that's legitimate, where I can make a difference
and something that I can do from home. Then I said, I know that doesn't really
exist, but thanks for listening. Geez, you'd think your mother would know
better by now wouldn't you? I have always known and believed the Lord can and
does take care of our needs but sometimes those needs become something in my
head, rumbling around in that storm, too small for the Lord to have any
interest in. I mean, He has quite a few things to keep track of and I guess
because I'm just this one person in a universe I put human standards and limits
on God. He's God for crying out loud. But as a human with limits my brain had
difficulty getting around the fact that He is all seeing, all knowing.
"All" is a mighty big word. Anyway, back to my conversation with God.
Last Thursday and Friday dad and I were covering for Diane while she took a
couple of days off so it was a day or so before I got in and checked my email.
What do you think I found? You're right, an opportunity to do a job from home
that would bring in, you guessed it, $200-300/a month. Something I can do that
will make a different, something I love and something that I can do no matter
where I am in the world. Yea God! While He's preparing thousand for Hurricane
Sandy He's also listening to my storm of the day and answering in a perfect
way. Thank you Lord and I thank those who offered the opportunity.
As life's storms continue to roll
God continues to provide opportunities to get in out of the rain if we but ask
and trust. God's like that you know.
In our lives together dad and I have
been through many, many storms. Some have been wind and rain. Some hurricanes
and tornadoes. Some have ravaged our lives and we will never be the same again.
But, in the end, God has brought the answer. That's not to say we don't usually
try to do it on our own. Human nature tells us that "me can do it".
Most of the time I believe the answer would come much quicker if we'd just talk
to the Lord sooner and not try to do it ourselves, but truth be told, and
speaking just for me, I tend to learn the hard way. Guess my dad was right,
"Jan has a mind of her own". God made me. He knows me, He waits
patiently for me as I finally get around to saying, "Help me Lord, I'm in
a storm".
Until next week, be Aaron,
love mom