Sunday, December 16, 2012

So Many Things To Celebrate

Good morning son. How are you this freezing Groveland morning? I guess you really don't need to worry about weather in heaven do you? The weather here the last couple of weeks has been exceptional. We've had sun, rain, snow....and I've enjoyed it all. Dad said in his email to me this morning that they're expecting snow today in Troy and then rain the next couple of days. I head home Tuesday afternoon.

Yesterday was the Atkins family Christmas so the house was full. It was great to see everyone. I baked and made candy for two weeks. We didn't get the Spritz Cookies made, nor the Rocky Road candy but I don't think anyone missed either. Clay, Meg and the boys decided to leave last night for home rather than this morning. Eric, Kim and Noah spent the night so they could visit this morning. I've evidently lost track of time  because I didn't realize it was Sunday until grandma said she had watched Charles Stanley this morning. It dawned on me at that point I'd best get to writing.

Even having the seven kids in Troy to enjoy, (Did I just make a rhyme?) , it's amazing when you add seven more kids. They had a ball together and they were all so good. Grandpa (Ron) got out his remote helicopter and car and believe it or not, in the house, and they all played for hours. They watched movies, played bull fighting, played games on their iPads and ate. Rita was here to experience some of it. Clay, Meg and the boys arrived Friday night so she was able to experience Seth, Layne and Cole before everyone else arrived. It gets pretty lively around here when there are 30 people in the house, but such fun. It's great to have everything ready and just be able to sit back and watch everything in motion.

Rita had to leave yesterday so I ran her to the airport. It was suppose to be crazy weather so we left for the airport early for Sacramento. Outside of rain, the weather ended up being good. I don't know what time Rita got it but the last I heard she was experiencing delays in San Francisco due to the fog. I'll have to check later this morning to make sure she got home okay. I'd text her but the coverage here in Groveland is almost nil so I'll email.  She and I both should have brought a bigger suit case.

I'm looking forward to being back home with dad and Jamison. It's been so much better this time to have the availability of email. We've talked every day too but I know they're both ready for me to be home. Dad was going to do all the Christmas decorating while I was gone.  What do you want to bet it didn't happen? LOL If he's got the Christmas tree up and decorated I'll be happy. I want to spend more time decorating the front porch than in the house this year. I have some great ideas and want to make some fresh boughs with pine cones for the porch. Dad said this morning that they say we're going to have a white Christmas. How cool would that be!

Christmas with you was always so much fun. As fun as it was when you were little I think I enjoyed the Christmases more the older you got. You just loved it so much. We sang carols, you wore your Santa hat beginning in July. Such good memories. All the fun and yet you always knew what Christmas was really about. The birth of Jesus.  As I've shared with you so many times before, what His mother must have endured. What she must have felt as a mother, holding her infant son, knowing what His future was going to be. What a faith she must have had. How strong she must have been. How much trust she must have had in her Heavenly Father. And Joseph, how much trust and love he must have had for Mary.  What a miracle that birth was. I don't think there is any way for us to know how Mary and Joseph or what they experienced when Jesus was born. What an amazing night and journey that must have been. I'm looking forward to having a conversation with Mary when I get to heaven. I want to thank her for the sacrifice she made. I know how my heart aches. I cannot imagine the pain and agony she experienced. I am so thankful she was willing.

Enjoy the preparations in heaven for the Christmas season. Decorate, sing, share, go caroling with the angels and celebrate Jesus' birthday with Him!

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom  

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