Sunday, March 3, 2013

Button It Up

Good morning son! And here we are, another week gone by. I don't know where in the heck the time goes but every day goes faster and faster. I have tons of things I want to get done and NEED to get done and I just can't seem to make headway. I know, I know. I can hear you now. "Just stop adding things to your list mom!" I can't, I can't. There is just so much I want to try and do! How does one put a limit on what you try and do? But, I'm enjoying the journey, having a ball creating things I love and trying new things. You'll never guess, in a million years, (since heaven has no time you won't have any trouble guessing for that long) what I found last week. Buttons! Thousands of buttons. Why do I need that many buttons you might ask? Crafts and projects silly. The prospects are limitless. You know I check out Craigslist, especially the "free" category, every single day. Last week a woman advertised, you guessed it, buttons. She said she had four boxes. What size boxes you asked. I was thinking shoe boxes. Right? I couldn't get to the reply key quick enough. I knew they would disappear quickly. I received a reply almost immediately. She said she'd had ten replies to her post almost immediately. She and her husband had chosen me to receive the buttons. I was beside myself. And the four boxes? There were four boxes liquor bottles had been packed in. And inside those boxes were smaller boxes. I spent all day yesterday sorting, washing, drying and packaging. I bought 25 bins at the Dollar Store and it took them all. Now the big challenge; finding a place to put them. Let the fun begin!

It was a very rough week for Auntie Di and your Uncle Ron last week. They spent the week in San Francisco at  UCSF . Auntie Di had her stem cell harvest. It was a very physically painful procedure and I know they are both emotionally drained and happy that it's over. Intense prayer was said on their behalf and the Lord answered. We'll continue to pray that God continues to give them peace and comfort as they try to catch up on some much needed rest.

Dad is such a prayer warrior. We've had so many people praying for us throughout the years and still yet. Prayer is a part of our lives that I don't know how we'd make it if we could not have these conversations with God. These conversations bring comfort and peace. As I stop to think about it, my conversations with God have changed over the years just as my conversations with my earthly father changed during our times together. They've gone from prayers of a child focusing on what I want and just "must have", to the now peaceful and contented conversations about things now wanted or, "God you just have to", to a knowing realization that God wants only what's best for me, He hears me from the calmness or furry of my heart and understands and answers. But, unlike when I was younger, I don't require that immediate answer I think I have to have. I have more peace about waiting. I find I can continue the journey while still waiting. That's a very good thing.

I tried a couple of new recipes this week.English Muffin Bread and Brown Sugar Oatmeal Coconut Chewies. Both are yummy! I added a few walnuts to the cookie batter, how could I NOT?  Wish you were here to try them out. Not really, but you would have really loved the bread. It makes the most wonderful toast and really saves on buying bread. I can make four loaves of the English Muffin Bread for what it costs for one loaf of other breads. This week I'm going to mix up some of the mixes your grandma use to keep when I was a kid; biscuit mix, pancake mix and pie crust mix. Any thing to help cut down on grocery costs. Dad and I picked up a bottle of diet soda at the Dollar Store this week. We'll see. LOL 

I began "Spring" cleaning in the kitchen last week and thought I get it done in a week. However, buttons happened so I still have to finish cleaning and organizing there. Once I get that finished I found a cleaner on Pinterest for our wood floors and so they're going to get a good cleaning. They certainly do pick up the dust and dirt.  Hardwood Floor Cleaner

It's been snowing since early this morning. It's not big flakes but it's been increasing over the last hour and now it's really blowing. We're suppose to get about an 1" today. It's Sunday. The day of rest. It's a good day to stay in, watch an old movie, cuddle on the couch and enjoy the fruits of our labors this week. Well of course they'll be some crafting mixed in there. Isn't there always?

until next week, be Aaron, love mom  

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