Sunday, April 7, 2013

It's Spring, Let's Have Some Sun and Warmth Please

Good morning son! It's Spring right? I mean no changes were made up there that we don't know about right? We've had warm, sunny, no jacket weather. Wind at 50 MPH. Clouds and wind. This morning rain and wind that will blow dad and Jamison over if they head outside. I have a dozen spray paint jobs I need to complete. If I tried spray painting in this wind I'M the only thing that would get painted and it would take a dozen cans of paint. Let's get back on track here okay! I just started 132 flower plants yesterday. In the next couple of weeks it will be time to get them in the ground. I don't want the pots and planters to blow off the porch and deck. The birds are REALLY going to be happy. I started 10 giant Sunflowers for them. They grow to 8-12'. 

For a water feature I've decided to do what grandma did. I have no close water source so I'm
going to get half a wine barrel and create a mini fish pond. If I can find my fountain with it's recirculating pump they'll have a fountain. I figured out a way to make, what I think, will be a very cute bird bath, and a water feature to attract butterflies. Did you know that butterflies need a "salt lick"? Me either. The things you learn on Pinterest.  Butterfly Salt Lick 

Later this week dad and I are going to try and hit some garage sales. I need to start looking for pots to put all these flowers in. I'm also looking for a few shutters to use on the porch. Eventually we're going to get a fire pit for the back deck. Carol and Tom gave us permission to paint the entry so sometime soon I'll get that done. If the wind dies down any this afternoon dad and I are going to take a couple pallets apart and build some wooden planters.

The last couple of days we've really "hit" it. I finally set down about 4:30 yesterday afternoon when dad brought me a cup of coffee. Poor dad. Just about the time he finishes one project I'm talking about 15 more. I'm sure he thinks I just thought them up, but most of the projects we're currently working on I've wanted to do since the day we moved into this house. The porch really didn't get finished in time for me to do anything last season so I'm just getting started now. Dad handles it really well though. He's a trouper as always.He's a rock for me and I know that no matter what, he's there for me and I can count on him. Neither of us can go like we use to. I certainly can't work 12-14 hour days, take care of our home, do yard work and stay up half the night and paint the kitchen, but, I worked like that so I don't have to any more. Dad said the other night while we were getting ready for be, "You've worked your entire life to be able to be this tired doing what you're doing didn't you?". He gets me. We might not be able to do it all and be it all, but we're able to do and be what we enjoy doing and being...and along the way, we're able to work in a few other things as well.

We're eating better too. I'm finding so many great new foods, again on Pinterest. I try to make at least two new dishes each week and at least one of them meatless. Believe it or not, dad's right on board. Last week we tried Baked Southwest Egg Rolls . They were yummy and we will be having them again. I also tried Bacon Omelet Bites . They're yummy and heat up beautifully in the microwave for breakfast later in the week. Dad has to carry something in his pocket all the time so he can snack and keep his sugar level UP. Believe it or not his sugar has been very low the last couple of months. The doctor is checking it out. In the meantime he was carrying crackers, nuts and granola bars. They are yummy and no bake. Dad wanted ham this last week. This week my ankles look as though someone has pumped them full of water. But he loved it. Yesterday I took the bone and made him some navy bean soup. I must say, it is delish and he's happy as a clam. Yesterday I cooked a couple of yams and I'm going to make these, Veggie Sweet Potato Burgers   Don't they look yummy! Wish you were here!

Last week I was able to spend 5 hours with the Troy 7. Well, actually 5. Sierra was in school and Josh was on vacation with his dad. We talked and laughed. I made tuna. They turned up their noses. LOL  Josie and I made salt dough cutouts. Later in the week Josie and Diane came over for a couple of hours and we painted the cutouts we had made and had lunch. Diane and I had a great visit and you can't help but be happy and laugh when Miss Josie is in the room.

I have another batch of Fairy Houses to "build". Dad and Jamison always bring in some "jewels" from the walks. I was able to go one day last week but as long as this cold wind keeps up the top of the hill is out for me. The last thing I need is fibromylagia kicking up. I've done pretty well this winter. Only one episode. But I must say, IT'S TIME FOR SPRING AND WARM WEATHER! Are you hearing me? Put in a good word. Time's awasting!
Dennis, his grandpa's namesake.
This week I'd also best get busy on a baby blanket. Meg and Clay have their fourth boy, Miles Clayton, born healthy and happy. They have four of the cutest boys. How fortunate they are. In the next week or so Jenny and Phil are expecting their little girl, Georgia Jean, little sister to Dennis. I own two blankets there! Babies seem to be coming out of the wood work. As I told you earlier, Allegra graduates from high school May 24th. We're looking at a way for me to go. We'll see how it works out. The Lord knows the desires of my heart. Dad and I will do what we can.
Allegra & Bella

 Dad and I will hit the County Clerk's Office this week and pick up our DBA. Dad would really like to do the Troy Tight Knit (Saturday Market for crafters). We're building and crafting like crazy in preparation. More to come later.

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom


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