Friday, September 3, 2010

Enjoying The Fruit of Our Labor

The first Monday in September, observed as a holiday in the United States and Canada in honor of working people. That's what I do, "celebrate the work of my hands". I hope everyone is able to do that this weekend. Celebrate what you are able to do! I think we should do that every single day. There are plenty of people out there who would trade with any of us for every single day we are able to work. As much as I am looking forward to retirement there isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank the Lord for the job He has given me, the friends I have at work, the laughter we share, the tears we we share with each other. It's great to have a job where I love to go to work every single day. It doesn't mean there are days when I'd like to be able to do something else but it's so great to love the place and the people where you work.

Talent comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. For me, I'm looking forward to laboring (if you can call it that) with my hands this weekend at home; working in my craft room. I'll be making signs and working on chairs and a high chair that my friend Rita found for me. It's great to have an opportunity to be creative. Crafts just happens to be my choice for my outlet...what's yours? We all have things that we do exceptionally well. We shouldn't let those disappear. We should use them. If you want to feel really, really good, make something with your own two hands and give it to someone who you think could benefit. Doesn't matter what it is, it's the giving and receiving that gives the uplift to both the giver and receiver. Don't try to tell me you don't have any talent. God didn't make any of us without a talent. Now you may not have found yours because you've never looked. Doesn't mean you don't have one, just means you need to start looking and find it. Some examples could be: Read a book to someone, this time of year you could go to the Dollar Store and pick up some school supplies for someone that really needs some help; clean our your closet and give those clothes that just keep hanging there to someone who really could use them, bake a cake and take it to someone, pick up groceries for someone, write a letter for someone, sing someone a song, give someone a hug and a smile....we all have those!

Well, I worked with my hands this morning, I shopped. That's a form of working isn't it? I finally had to give in and hit JC Penney's for dress pants. I've found over the last several years that I can dress pretty well out of Goodwill and St. Vinney's without ever hitting the mall. But I had to give in this time. Winter's on the way and I haven't been able to find anything. I did hit Goodwill just in case before I went to Penney's though and found a couple of really good tops. Time to start looking for sweaters too. I actually get more excited about the challenge to find something at Goodwill and St. Vinney's than I do going to the mall. It's really great to be able to find a name brand, most of the time almost brand new for $3.27. New it would probably cost $40. See my point? Ray and I became real bargain hunters about 7 years ago when we began cutting back on expenses in preparation for my retirement. We looked at what we had to have new, which isn't very much, and then shop used for everything else. We labor hard for what we earn and we try our best to spend it wisely. I though today as I left the store that these pants will probably be the last work pants I have to buy. They'll be great right through Spring. Penney's has some really good sales going this weekend and it can be very tempting but I'm happy with what I found and glad to be home.

The Oregon Ducks are playing their first game of the season. One of the rewards of laboring and working is that it allows you to buy luxuries occasionally. Two years ago we treated ourselves to a new TV for our anniversary and Ray's 70th birthday and my 60th. It's a real treat for Ray to be able to relax after all his years of laboring and working to provide, to sit back and really enjoy a football game. Hard work does pay off and I'm thankful that we have both been strong and healthy and able to work. The game isn't that exciting today, Ducks 28, New Mexico zip but...oops, 35 - zip! It's great to see the team see the results of hours of labor and work. Are you getting the drift here. Success in life requires labor and work. It comes in thousands of shapes and sizes. What is challenging for one person may be simple for another and vice versa. What is that saying again? "Things in life worth doing are worth doing well".

I believe there are also times in our lives when God sets us aside from labor and says. "I have something else for you to do". This is probably the most difficult for me. I do not sit still well for very long. I want to be up and busy and see what I'm accomplishing. Sometimes though, God says no. I'm still working on this one. Sometimes I have to be still for God to use me. Sometimes it's an example God wants to shine through and not actions or words. It continues to be a challenge for me and probably always will be. I'm getting better at recognizing these times and try to make sure I'm listening so that I know when those times are. We should not feel guilty when God says He has something else for us to do. He will make sure that our light shines through without the physical labor and work. As Aaron says, "God has a plan, I may not like it, but I will do it".

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