Monday, September 27, 2010

Wonderful Memories

On this day, September 27th,  63 years ago, my dad and mom put on their very best and made their way to a little church in the town where I was born and raised and said their vows to each other.  I'm so glad they did.  My dad had to have a parent's consent.  You've seen the picture before but I wanted to share it again today.  One, because it's one of my favorite pictures and two because I feel so privileged to be their child. My dad is gone now.  I talked with my mom this morning and I could tell that she was missing him more than usual today.  A love like theirs comes along very infrequently.  I've always been very proud to be their daughter.  Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

As I flip through pages of words I have written, trying to get that "spark" going again, I came across a poem that my hubby wrote for me in 1987.  We had been married 17 years. In December this year it will be 40,  It's wonderful to know that his words were true then, and as I read them, they remain true today.


Autumn leaves of orange, red and gold
Are like wonderful memories that never grow old.
They are always lovelier just as they fade
And sometimes there are tears when gone is the shade.

It's wonderful memories that color the leaves that we see,
And these are contained in the heart of a tree.
And when time gives flight to the leaves from above,
Our wonderful memories fill the heart with God's love.

With bounty and love and visions that be,
And laughter and joy and colors to see
This knowledge of mystery revealed to me,
And wonderful memories live eternally.

I'm so grateful that love cannot vanish away
I'm thankful that memories live on from today.
For the things I count precious are wrapped in loves dreams
And our memories are like brooks, rivers and streams.

They sparkle and glisten and shimmer with light
And forever in progress they shine in the night.
Our love is the voyage we travel each day
And this is the future that can't vanish away.
--Ray Jamison

And in his own words he would say, "not bad for a hillbilly".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not bad for a Hillbilly, indeed! Love ya'll!