Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Beautiful Memorial Weekend

My peonies are blooming!
Good morning son! What a beautiful morning. How about there? It's a cool and breezy morning here. I picked out the place to plant my Double Delight this morning. It will be right out my living room window where I can see it when I get up in the morning and right next to my peonies. It simply amazes me that God planted my two favorite flowers right in front of my window years before I arrived; lilacs and peonies. He certainly is amazing.

I noticed yesterday that the robins on hour front porch have all flown their nests. The one nest had three babies. I think they use to change places and sleep stacked on top of each other. They had grown so much they couldn't all fit into the nest. Guess it was fly or flat! Or should I say, "splat"! It's a wonder they lasted as long as they did. They were stacked like firewood in those nests.

"Nests" can get very comfortable. But, it's important for both parents and children to realize the purpose of a nest. A nest is designed to be a safe haven for children to learn, grow and get strong for their journey ahead. Whatever that journey may be and whereever that journey may take them. It is NOT a place for a parent to encourage the child to stay or to try to keep them. It is NOT a place for a child to remain. True, sometimes children are pulled and encouraged to stay or, they become a place from which children are reluctant to leave. After all, it's pretty cool to live in the nest and be cared for and have everything done for them. However, that is not the intent of a nest, neither does it lead to a healthy life for either parent or child. 

For me, as a parent, I loved having you in the nest. I would have loved to have kept you there forever and ever. But, I knew I wanted the very best in life for you and I knew you wouldn't find it in the nest. I knew eventually you would want to leave. How, you ask. (No, I know you didn't ask. Knock it off and let me finish. This is MY blog.) I knew, because I grew up in one of the  best of  "nests". I love the way I grew up. We were allowed, and encouraged, to be kids. We had a childhood. I was so lucky to have a mom who was willing to stay at home and "take the rap" for being the "wicked witch" while watching dad come home every night as the "white knight"with all us kids clamoring over him. I know that at the end of some of those days she went to bed in tears. Not because she was unhappy that we were so glad to see dad, but because she felt like a "wicked witch" on some days. I know, because I did. Some days it was as though all I ever said was, "Aaron don't". I know I said it a lot because when you started kindergarten the teacher asked you your name. You said, "My name is Aaron Matthew Jamison, but my mom just calls me 'Aaron don't'." Our family laughed about that many times over the years. But, I'm off track as usual. The nest. Although I grew up in a wonderful "nest", I did dream of being on my own. I have to believe that every child dreams of that. That's the way it should be, we as parents getting you as children ready to leave the nest. Just like the birds do, we need to teach you to fly. But, I never, ever intended you to fly as far away as you've flown. I mean heaven, really? What were you thinking! I can hear you laughing. It sounds so great. I see your smile this morning. I know you knew how much you were loved while you were here and I know that you know, that we know, you are happy where you are, doing what you are doing. May a joyful noise. I'll hear it here in the sunshine and the rain. You learned your lessons well and are exactly where God intends you to be. Serving Him.

Last Friday dad and I bought some groceries. I start in the roduce department now, that's a change I've made. I had a great time. Usually produce is the last stop and we pick up the essentials like lettuce and tomatoes and maybe carrots and celery...if we need them for a recipe. It was fun to pick up different fruits and vegies like blackberries and corn on the cob. Dad and I have made some good changes a long, long time ago.
 For instance, we've been drinking fat-free milk since before you were born. I've always used diet soft drinks and dad made the switch after we were married. It seems those are some very big hurdles for people making the switch to getting fit. The challenge of moving is more difficult for me than the eating. This week I've added a banana about 10:00 each morning. That takes me through until lunch. Dad and I are having our main meal at lunch and then we just snack or have a bowl of cereal for dinner.  Oh, I have to tell you a "dad" story. When we bought groceries the other day I bought some popcorn. I specifically bought 100 calorie bags so I didn't have to measure. That night we were watching a movie and dad suggested popcorn. Sounded good so dad went in to the kitchen to  stick it into the microwave.He came back a little while later carrying the popcorn saying, "Sorry it took so long, you got such small bags I had to make three. I added a little butter and salt for taste.". Ugh! He saw the look on my face and said, "Uh oh, you bought the small packages on purpose huh!". I had to laugh. We're both learning. I experienced a bonus too. I decided to get on the scales last Thursday. It was down 7.3 pounds. Oddly enough, I'm enjoying the additional moving more than anything. I'll keep you posted on my journey. Dad's back to's the beginning of another adventure.

Jamison is asleep at my feet here on the couch. Dad is in the kitchen getting our morning iced tea ready. I also hear the pill bottles so he must be getting our morning array of those colorful little baubles we swallow every morning. It's a good think he knows what he's doing. I haven't a clue.

My determination to get fit remains consistent. It's been two weeks now since I decided there has to be more to getting fit than the gym and a diet. I continue to do stairs at work. One trip up and down is 40 so it doesn't take many trips to add up very quickly. I had to slow down the first of the week. Because of the way I have to do stairs due to my knee it throws my hip sideways. I could barely walk a couple of days. I made a couple of trips on the elevator during the week but I think it's all settled down now. I just tried too much too fast. 

We're having 80 degree weather here. Yesterday morning we made a quick trip to Saratoga Springs. I found a custom designed iron queen head board and foot board on Craigslist for $30. I know! I had to actually enlarge the print on the add to make sure I wasn't leaving off a zero or two on the price. Dad and I had decided to just get a mattress and box springs for now and pick up a headboard later. I couldn't pass this up, and didn't want to. It's absolutely beautiful. I love it when I get a deal! The lady said she was changing decor in her guest room and just wanted someone to take it away. No problem lady, consider it gone! 

My project for today is to paint the guest room. Actually it's going to be our room. We're moving to the back of the house. The room has two windows and quieter. We're just going to leave the furniture in our old room and add the new bed to the new room. Corey gave me a purple carpet that will fit the room perfectly. The wood floors are beautiful but the carpets really help with holding heat in the winter. There is no insulation in the floor and a huge basement under us so the carpet will help buffer all that.

Oh, speaking of Corey, the rooster decided to attack Josie yesterday. Needless to say, that rooster is being seriously considered as an addition to a McNuggett bucket! She has a couple of scratches, nothing serious, THIS TIME, but she was pretty shook up. Corey and Jon are spending tons of time in their yard. And they do have the yard. It's beautiful. The kids are getting in the pool. We're having some 80 degree weather so the water is "warming", if you can call it that! Josie and I were suppose to make book marks for everyone last date night but didn't have enough time. She and I agreed last night that I'll pick her up Tuesday after school and we'll make them then. She's very happy.

Yesterday I emptied the living room hutch, sorted all the glassware and moved the hutch into the kitchen. We badly needed cupboard space in there. I moved all the dishes and bowls into the hutch and then had cabinet space for boxed items and cereals. It works great. I'll paint it later. (You knew that was coming, right!?) I don't know, there's just something about painting that puts a whole new perspective on things. You know me, everything in the house is a project. Sometimes I feel sorry for dad. He gets a glimmer in his eye when we
Pretty huh! Looks like God's sky today.
finish a project, like, "finally, we're done", only to find we're just moving to another one. He should be use to it right? I mean it's going to be 42 years this December and it's always been the same. Around here, if you don't want to be wallpapered or painted, you'd better be moving. I'm excited to get started painting today. I'm using a color I've never used before, a very soft, soft, aqua blue. I've used tons of blue before and am trying to introduce it back into our home, but I've never used this shade. It's always been country blue. I'm having a good time mixing blues...and some purple, into our color theme. It's making me much happier. Dad too. We feel more like it's home.

So this week in my journey of getting fit, I'm going to increase my steps at work, walk once a week with dad and Jamison (unless they walk in the heat) and start with using my "band". What are you going to do to get more fit? Is getting fit something you even have to think about in heave? I doubt that's likely!

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom

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