Sunday, July 29, 2012

Rain in Life

Good morning son! All is quiet here this morning. Well, why wouldn't it be? It's 7:15 am on a Sunday morning and I'm up. No, I don't know why. Sammy and Jamison are sitting in the window watching the birds. It's misting rain, warm and humid. Kind of like what I imagine the jungle to be. Can you tell we watched Jumanji with Jose and Dylan last night? Thoughts of jungle in my head when I went to bed last night. Dad is still sleeping, if you believe that. Usually he's already up by this time and he and Jamison (and Sammy if he's here) have already gone on their walk. He's not been sleeping well lately so I'm glad to let him sleep.

This could very easily be our porch!
The birds are at their feeder this morning. Yesterday when I looked up we had 5 little ones sitting along the railing. We have one who is pretty much of a bully, he's a pretty bully, but a bully none-the-less and does not like to share.We were suppose to get the porch replaced in June and we're still waiting. I haven't put any plants or done anything with the front of our house because it will all get torn out when they do the work. But, we're still waiting. The last thing the landlord told Dad was they're trying to find the guy who did the first bid again. They thought he was too high.They've since found he was the lowest bid. I just hope he does quality, safe work. This is a two story porch. The couple who rented the second floor were counting on that porch. Their porch is very unsafe so they can't even use it. They're not very happy. We've started using our back door because the steps are too unsafe out front. It's actually worked out better for us, especially when we're unloading something. The backdoor will be better this winder too. The two steps leading up to our kitchen are indoors so we don't have to worry about slipping and sliding.

The visit with the cardiologist last Thursday was pretty benign. The EKG was clear and the doctor said everything sounds normal. He did say the symptoms dad is having could indicate that we're approaching the time to do an angiogram. We're waiting for the blood work that the doctor ordered to come back to see if it has something to do with his thyroid and/or anemia. The cardiologist scheduled him for a 6-month checkup but if the systems persist we'll see him before that.  Yesterday dad had more energy than he's had in weeks. He just keeps pushing. I don't know whether that's good or bad, I just let him be Ray and do what works for him. I like it when he's himself!
You know what I just noticed about our family portraits? You, dad and I are never in them. Nobody's fault. Just an observation.

Grandma isn't doing to well. I think I've told you that she's fallen a couple of times in the last couple of months. Evidently one of those falls created a compressed fracture in her back. She has been in extreme pain for a month now. They'll be doing surgery next week to fix it. Until then they're keeping her pretty doped up because of the pain. They have a great doctor in Groveland. Trichelle works for him and she stayed right on top of the situation and the doctor even worked with her while on vacation to see if they could find out what was happening. All the extra work paid off because it was grandma's doctor who found the fracture after she'd gone to the emergency room and had x-rays twice and they could find nothing. Auntie Di says she's doing okay but I'm concerned about her and her health and Uncle Ron is worn to a frazzle. 

It's fun to laugh with dad again. The other day I think I missed a good one. At least hearing dad tell it I missed a good one. He was coming from the kitchen to the living room. As he passed the doorway to the laundry room, the curtains I have hanging in the doorway blew out and wrapped themselves around him. He said he was so tangled up he pulled the curtains, rod and all out of the doorway and almost fell on his face. (And you always wondered why I liked spring-loaded curtain rods!) I can just see it. Actually, the first picture that came to mind was of Carol Burnett in that scene on her show where they did Gone With the Wind. Remember? They had made her dress from the curtains and left the curtain rod going across her shoulders? Yeah, that one. Dad and I still laugh when we see reruns of that show. Of course, what's not to laugh at in Carol Burnett reruns!

The Troy 9 are as busy as ever this summer. They're playing soccer, doing plays, playing baseball, doing Zumba, swimming, and who knows what else. They're all growing up entirely too fast. Josie asked us last night if we're coming to her soccer games this Fall. Guess she's going to try out soccer and she how she likes it. I would imagine there are going to many, many things Josie tries out. One thing you don't ever want to say to Josie is, "only boys do that". I like that. She sees no reason why a girl can't do anything a boy can do. I see some very challenged boy friends in her future, that's for sure.

This week was Relay for Life in Springfield/Eugene. It felt odd not to be there. We thought we might be able to join a team here this year but dad just wasn't up to it. We'll look toward next year and see what happens then. However, you were not forgotten in Springfield/Eugene. The Choose Joy Team was right there this year doing their thing and raising money to fight this horrible disease. We had such good times and made such great memories each year. Maybe some day we can go back and walk with the Choose Joy team. It will never really be the same though, without you.

For the first time in my life, ever, I feel old. I don't know what it is. I've never felt like this before, old, that is. My mom use to say when we talked about it, that our bodies get old but are spirits never do. Today, my body and spirit both feel old. I'm tired I guess. Sometimes it feels like life just keeps revolving in circles.  You know, the one where you get up in the morning and do what's in front of you, come home, go to bed, get up and do what's in front of you, come home and go to bed? Yea, that one. Maybe I have too many unfinished projects going, I don't know. Maybe I'm tired. I don't know. Maybe I'm getting older? That I do know. I think I have us so involved in so many projects there's no time to live and have fun. Every spare minute I have I'm working on a project. Life at home is beginning to feel like there's no time to enjoy, just sit back and read a book all day if I want. It's more about we gotta get these projects done, work, work, work. Dad and I spend too much time talking about the things we want to do. We need to start doing them. Dad's putting together a couple more cubby shelves for my studio today. Once those are done I can move my studio into the dining room and I'll be able to carve a space for dad to have a small den where the studio was. Poor dad has no place to put his things like his guitars, piano, trumpet, sheet music, books, and computer. You know, a place where he can string stuff out and leave it if he wants. I don't have a lot to do, just a lot of little things. I want to finish everything up before we go to California in December. We're looking at other things to make and sell on Etsy and at Troy Flea and I need to get all this other crap done so we can really zone in on Auntie Jan Creations. I just sold a sign that read, "Just Another Day in Paradise". Maybe I should have kept it!

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom

Sunday, July 22, 2012

It's been a shaky couple of days

Good morning son! And how are you this beautiful Sunday morning? Before I go back into the last week and try to update you on what's been going on, I want to share a dream I had Friday night. It's significant to me because I remember  it. You know I very seldom ever remember my dreams. Sometimes I remember I had one and most of the time they're dreams of great memories. Very seldom do I have a nightmare. Can't remember the last one in fact. But this dream was the most real dream I've ever experienced. The other thing that amazed me was that each time (four, count 'em FOUR) I came back to bed after my bathroom trip, the dream started over right back where it left off. I've never had that happen. And to be honest with you, I didn't want it to stop. (Geez, I hope I can tell you about this without crying all morning). I lost a complete day yesterday because I cried all day and it was one of those days when I had no control over the tears. Anyway, dad, you and me and sometimes Jamison were somewhere at an event full of people. Dad was playing trumpet with a group. You and I were roaming around, up and down an escalator and stairs laughing and having a ball. During the entire time, you changed in age. Sometimes you were in a stroller (I know! I can hear you now, trying to imagine yourself in a stroller, but you did ride in a stroller when you were little.) The government would probably haul us away for child

Yours was blue!
endangerment these days for that stroller, but, it's what we had and what we used.  Anyway, no matter the age, you always carried this little brindle rabbit with you. A live rabbit, being carried under your arm. Did you have a rabbit hidden in your room! I asked dad if he remembered you ever having a rabbit. Neither of us can remember you ever having a rabbit. It would not surprise either of us though to find out you did have a rabbit in your room. Most of the time we'd have never known! It was a great dream. Everyone was happy you and I were having a super great time just being together while dad played. You never let go of that rabbit. Sometimes when I looked at the rabbit, it had Jamison's face. Figure that one out. All of that was good. I was your mom on earth again and enjoying your hugs and laughter again. Then, morning came, as it always does. The dream had been so real I was exhausted when I awoke. And then it hit me. It was as though you had died all over again. My emotions went crazy. No matter what I tried yesterday I couldn't stop the tears. The fact that the tragedy in Aurora CO had just occurred didn't help either. Here you fought for five years to hold onto life and this young man not only just threw his away, but took other lives as well. I don't think we'll ever know why he ever felt that was the only option left to him. I grieve for his mother and father. The question, "What more could I have done?" will never leave their minds. There is no answer to that question. But they will never stop asking it. Dad and I know there is no answer to that question but we continue to look and seek an answer. I know they'll always been looking for that one little thing they missed so they can say, "aha, there's the answer". I wish I could let them know, there is no answer. I just so hurt for them. Never in their wildest dreams when they brought this child into this world did they dream this for him. Never in their wildest dreams did they ever think their son would ever be capable of what he did. Your child is always your child. You never want to think they're capable of something this extreme. They're always wonder, they'll always be in pain, their lives will never be the same again. All we can do is pray they have the strength.

I'm much better today. The sun is shining and it's going to be a beautiful day. I slept great but I have an emotional drain from yesterday. Poor dad, I feel for him. All he can do is just watch and be there. He's always there though, never far away, watching and waiting for the least little sign that I need him. Jamison never understands. He usually is very quiet and is laying across my feet because that's as close as he can get.

Well, it's been over a year since we've been in Troy and life is beginning to fall into place. Dad continues to strengthen. He and Jamison are walking early morning now because it's just too hot in the afternoons. Jamison is getting great about going out with dad, and me, without his harness and leash. If he heads off dad just slaps the side of his leg and he comes right back. NOW, we still don't try it after dark because we know from experience, you can't find him in the dark! Also, the deer come right up into the yard and stand right there and look at him. He wants to play so much. Yesterday we say three doe and two tiny, baby fawns. They didn't look big enough to even be walking and were pretty wobbly. So cute.  We haven't seen the red fox in quite some time but I would imagine come winter we'll see him again. The squirrels continue coming to the front porch trying to get to the bird feeder. Are there squirrels in heaven? I hope there are animals in heaven. You're not going to tell me are you? Get that grin off your face. Jamison just sits there, not 4 foot away and watches. He loves the birds. I'm using bird feed that is suppose to attract Cardinals. Dad is going to build me a birdhouse for Cardinals. They have to be built a specific way. They also need to be placed in shrubs rather than on a post or in a tree. We have the perfect place in a shrub across the driveway from the front porch. I bought another feeder and we're going to put it in the shrub as well. I know the Cardinals are around because I've seen one, finally!

Corey, Jon and the kids are having a very busy summer. Corey is traveling a lot and spending a lot of time in airports because of cancelled or delayed flights. They've all been spending a great deal of time working in their yard and it really shows. They have a great vegetable garden and dad and I have already benefited with one huge pot of fresh green beans which we ate in two days time. Dad cooked his first bunch of green beans and they were the best I have ever eaten. I'VE never cooked beans that tasted that good. Their yard is an abundance of colorful flowers. Corey has a red begonia in a pot right at their door. It reminds me of the dozens of pots of begonias my mom use to have going down the pathway to grandma and grandpa's between our garage and house. Your grandma has a green thumb. She had the most beautiful flowers, begonias, fuchsias, daisies, violas, violets, day lillie's, roses, petunias, pansies, cala lillies, bird of paradise; you name it and mom had it in her yard. Corey and Jon are just like that. I think they can grow anything. Their yard shows how much time they spend working in it too. Where they find the time, I have no idea. The kids are all good. Their summers are always full. Oh, and Sierra has a boyfriend! I know, can you believe it. Jamo and Josh are still getting use to the idea.

Dad and I may luck into having a garage! We're very excited. Tom told dad yesterday that he thinks the man that rents the garage next to his shop is going to vacate the garage. We've waited a year. It will be so great if it happens. The garage is entrance is right out our back door. It will give dad a place to set up his saws. Since I'm spreading out into the dining area so I'll have more room, dad can have my work table which was originally built for a shop. Today we're going to Target to pick up a couple of expedite shelving units so I can begin the change. Right now, my studio is stacked! Well, if I don't stop yapping and get busy none of this will get done. I have a stack of cards I need to get finished too so I'd best get to it.

I so enjoyed spending time with you, hugging you and laughing with you again, even in a dream. I know where you are and I know where I am. I know that's not physically possible, but it will do for now.

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Moving forward

Good morning son! How are you? Something tells me everything is just great where you are. How is heaven this morning? Full of sunshine and rainbows? I bet it is. It's going to be stormy here today, weather-wise that is. The humidity is high and the dew point is high so it's going to be a muggy day. Dad and Jamison have already been on their walk. They went about 6:15 am this morning so they could beat the heat. Good thing they did. It's 7:30 am and 80 degrees already. Jamison is resting, sitting on the couch, looking at his windows to check in on his day.

It was a very busy week last week, just like always. We had a baby shower on Monday, a farewell party for another on Friday and a member's grandmother passed away. I'll go to the wake with Corey and Diane on Monday night. In the midst of it all, I missed a 6" step coming out the front of the office building and did my dance up and down the sidewalk trying to keep from falling on my face. I twisted ankles, knees, neck and back in 40 different directions. I'm sore and stiff but I didn't land on my knees so that's a good thing.

I've not been good about my walking and doing stairs this week. My knee hasn't wanted to hold going down the stairs for a couple of days so I've taken the elevator. I should be good by Monday so I can start again. Hearing my knee twist and turn trying to stay upright made me sick to my stomach, but, I made it. 

I'm having trouble getting my fingers going this morning. Dad thinks it's because I've cut way back on my ice-tea so he's making some. He and Jamison are getting ready to pick up a Sunday paper. We're working with Jamison more and more so that we don't have to put a harness and leash on him to go out to potty and to the car. He's been doing great. However, if he sees a deer, that could be another story! I hear the car start, guess they made it.

Terese friended me on Facebook yesterday. Dad and I were just talking this week about she and Dustin and how we miss sitting down and having a glass of tea with them. I was so glad she found me. She's wanting to catch up so I'll send her a message today and see how she's doing. They were such a big part of our family for so many years. We saw them almost every day. It's hard not to have them around. They were so good to you and Kristin. I know they miss you too.

So, ready for your mom's next move? No, not that kind of move. Just expanding the studio within the current house. I've outgrown my small studio and need more space to work. Our dining room, just outside my studio is used simply for a pass-through from the kitchen to the living room. Dad and I talked and I'm going to move my work table into the dining room. I'll rearrange things so that I can continue to use the dining room table as my project and cutting table. Most of the supplies can stay where they are. I just need more space and more natural light. I'll have to do a layout to see how I want things set up but it will be a great space. As it is right now, I have about a 2' square on my work table to lay out my projects to work. I don't even want to work in there because it's so crowded and I have no place to spread the work out. Careful....I know, you give me a working inch and I'll take a working mile. 

Auntie Di and grandma ended up in emergency again this week. Grandma was in so much pain she couldn't handle it. She thought it was in her back. They did x-rays and couldn't find anything. They sent her home with pain medication. Since then she realizes it's more in her hip than her back. She has a doctor appointment on Tuesday. Until then she's on pain pills.  Uncle Ron took the rest of the week off and went home to help Auntie Di. I'll let you know next week what the doctor says.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. A couple of weeks ago I drove up to the top of the hill to pick up dad and Jamison on their walk. It was hotter than they thought and Jamison was having some trouble. They were waiting by "Aaron's Rock". When I pulled up I noticed that a tree has sprouted and it looks as though it's growing right up through the rock. It would be so awesome if they leave it there and you have a tree growing over your rock for shade. It's really beautiful on top of that hill! I know you're not there, but it's a comfort to think that you are.

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Better late than never!

Good afternoon son. Surprise! I'm checking in this afternoon because there's so much going on today and tomorrow. Due to the heat  dad and I are switching our routine around and doing things like we use to do in Oakdale. We're running our errands in the cool morning hours and staying in during the afternoon.  

It was quite another full week last week. I have no idea where the time goes. We look up and it's Monday morning and the next thing we know, it's Friday again.

Dad and I took care of chickens a couple of days this last week while Corey and Jon were away. Right now what that means is, about a dozen grown, egg laying chickens, about 25 baby chicks, two chicks that aren't quite Chicken alert! Or at least that's what a sign should read. There are now about a dozen laying hens, 25 babies and two that we call, middle chickens because they're not babies and are and not fully grown (Josh and Dylan were raising these two at school), and two baby chicks that were injured and are receiving special care. They are spread out all over the property. The grown hens are free range so all you have to do is leave the gate open and they come and go during the day. At night they go their coup and you just shut the gate. The baby chicks have a pen enclosure and so you just have to make sure they have food and water, the two injured baby chicks are recuperating in the garage so they just need to be checked on and make sure they have fresh food and water. The two middle chicks usually free range during the day and come back to their food and water area at night. Now you're notice I said "usually". When Diane dropped Josie off on Tuesday afternoon she said she hadn't seen the two middle chicks all day. When we went over later to getting them all to bed, (Yes, I went to help. The night before those two gave dad a run for his money. I wish I had seen it. Can' t you just see him running all over the yard his knee in a brace and his cane in his hand trying to capture those chickens?)  Josh chases them every night and I think the chickens think it's a game. Anyway, we took care of the other chickens and Biscuit and went to look for the two middle chickens We hit shrubs, I had a fish net believe it or not, we looked around the pool, under the chicken coup and so on and so on. The only place we didn't look, and I can't imagine why we didn't think of it, was the piano room. Given that the entire family is musically inclined I don't know why we didn't think of the piano room! Go figure. Anyway, that's where Dylan found them: hungry, but none the worse for ware. 
Corey, Paul & Renee
 Corey and the kids went the to Jamison family reunion this last week in Indiana. I think they're having a great time. At least from the pictures and text messages it sounds like they're having a ball.

Princess and the PonyLast Tuesday and Wednesday Josie was with us. As always, we did crafts, she ate uncle's chocolate donuts, chewed his gum, well not HIS gum, but she had a piece of his gum. We watched Princess and the Pony for about the 129th time. It's so amazing that kids can watch the same thing over and over again and see something new each time.Too bad life's not like that. Sometimes it seems as though we go through the same lesson over and over again in life. We wonder why it keeps happening to "us". Maybe it's because we didn't learn what we were suppose to learn the first time around. Maybe there was a lesson we were suppose to learn and we can't see anything new and different because we didn't learn what we were suppose to learn the first time around so we keep getting the same thing over and over again. Why is it do you think that kids find is so easy see something new in something old? When I'm with Josie sometimes I just sit and watch her be Josie. I try to imagine, like I did when you were little, what's going through that little mind of hers. People would never believe me if I'd tell them that you were a really a quite little boy and could play by yourself for hours and be happy. When we'd go on a trip with dad you'd lay in the backseat and "talk" to an action figure for the longest time. (That was WAY before car seats or seat belts were required.) Or, you'd draw or color or sing. Yep, you have always loved to sing. Even though I always wonder what's going on in Josie's head, like in yours, I'm not too sure that would be a safe place to be! Still, kids have that special way of looking at things, people and life. 

Anyway, this week we have a couple of events at work and I've got to start working on the cards for August. I have seven to do. They are so much fun though and the people that receive them so enjoy getting them. It makes it all worthwhile. I really have run out of space in my studio. I barely have room to work on even my card projects in there. I finally found someone who told me how they hang heaving items on walls in these old plaster and lath houses so now dad and I can hang the sign you and I made, the first one we did together after I got my vinyl cutter. We had so much fun doing that sign. Dad keeps asking if I really want to hang it and I keep saying yes. Now, I know that we can. 

Guess what! Allegra got her braces off this week! Can you believe she's going to be 18 in October. Scares the begeebers (don't know if that's a word but you know what I mean) out of me. It doesn't seem like it was any time when she was sitting on the kitchen counter in Oakdale while Hoho was working in the kitchen. She loved being in the kitchen. She spent plenty of time riding in the wheelbarrow  when we were working in the yard to. Ari and Lexi are in high school. They're all moving to Kentucky. Good for us, now they can come and spend some time in the summer. Allegra got to come to Oregon but Lexi and Ari didn't get to. We'll make up for that one.

Sure could use a hug today. 

My getting fit is moving right along. I've lost 14 pounds since Mother's Day. I'm still looking for a pair of walking shoes.  I spent a couple of hours looking last weekend but my feet were so swollen I could barely get my flip flops on. In the meantime I'm still doing stairs. We're eating better. We've basically given up beef. I'm not about to pay $4.98/lb for ground beef when I can get salmon for a $1 more a pound. Dad has grilled all summer.  We've found chicken dogs made by Alfredo that are absolutely delicious. Dad grills them too. We've been eating broccoli salad until it's coming out our ears but we both love it and we get our vegies too. Special K has a new chip out that's great too.  Most of the time though it's broccoli salad and chicken or chicken dog.

Well son, I could sit here and talk with you all day but I know you have things to do and I have things I need to get ready for an event at work. I can't tell you what this week because I don't know if the person it's for reads my blog. I'll tell you about it next week and have some pictures. 

Pray for dad and I this week. I'm helping dad through something that he's wanted to do for a long time now. We could use your extra prayers and strength.

Until next week, (and I promise to be on time), be Aaron, love mom

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Another week in the life of your mother

Out our front window on our porch!
Good morning son! It's a beautiful Sunday morning here. All is quiet and peaceful. Jamison is asleep up on the back of the couch and dad is sitting in his chair trying to wake up. Why is it do you suppose that when we could sleep in we're all up at 6:30 am trying to stay awake?  Our neighbors on the second floor have gone home to Missouri for the 4th of July and our third floor neighbor just headed to the gym. The neighborhood has been very quiet this weekend. It was 90 degrees yesterday and 70 degrees at midnight. We had a wonderful breeze all day until we went to bed and then it completely disappeared. Tonight....air conditioner!  Jamison came out and slept in the living room because there was a breeze coming through the living room windows. Just no breeze at the back of the house.

Diversity Matters!
Wow, what to tell you first? It was a very busy, but awesome week last week. It was the annual Consultant's Meetings at work. As I was telling Rita in an email yesterday, it certainly is different when you work for a private company vs a local government. When you're working for a government agency and are responsible for taxpayer's dollars there's no such thing as even  a "turkey day" during the holidays. KJCG is an amazing company, not only for how they share the wealth with all members but in how they continually give back to the community and others. KJCG is invested in their community and organizations within the community. They not only give their dollars, but their time as well. It's pretty amazing to be a part of this organization. It was truly amazing for me to be able to put faces to names this last week. It just makes it so much easier when emailing or talking with someone when you actually have that connection. For me, it makes my job so much easier; people become a person, not just a name.

During the week of Consultant's Meetings they brought in an image consultant, Parker Geiger to"do our colors" and make-up and give us tips on both. They also brought in Lynda, a hairstylist to the stars, to do our hair. Everyone was given the opportunity for an hour appointment with each of them. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me and I took advantage of it. I was letting my hair grow out, basically because I couldn't find anyone here that could cut it like Martina did for so many years. Thanks Martina! Needless to say, short hair works best for me and Lynda recognized that immediately. She was absolutely thrilled when I said, "go for it, you're the pro". She cut it so I can leave it straight or add some curls. This time I was smart. I had dad takes pictures of the back, sides and front when I got home. I'm not showing the front because you can't tell where my eyebrows end and my hair begins. My "eyebrow fixer" and she knows who that is COREY, has been a little busy lately. But, now when I need a hair cut I have pictures as examples.  Yay me!

Wednesday night was the annual dinner and celebration. It's a time to relax, meet spouses, partners and significant others, visit, listen to music/dance, celebrate birthdays and anniversaries and have a delicious dinner. We also take a group photo every year before dinner. If you wait to take the picture until after guessed it, half the group is gone.

Friday was "President's Day". A free day off from our KJCG President, Corey. It was a wonderful surprise and a delightful way to acknowledge everyone and their work.

Aaron being Aaron
So, how was your week this last week. Anything new and spectacular up there? Tomorrow marks the ninth month you've been gone. I think about you every day. If I'm working on a project, or I should say, WHEN I'm working on a project, I wonder what you'd think of it. If I'm painting a color I wonder if you'd like it. Sometimes I'm doing something and I'll think "Aaron will enjoy this when he comes to visit". I hear your laughter when I'm driving sometimes as you laugh about what funny human beings we are. When it rains or thunderstorms I know you would be in your element. You loved the rain. It's a good thing too, living in Oregon at the time. Do you have rain in heaven? My heart still feels you here. I know you're not, but I don't think my heart has figured it out yet. It might never figure it out.

4th of July comes this week. Without you here, it's just another day. I'm truly thankful for what the date stands for and I will tell the Heavenly Father that I'm thankful. It seems odd to not be planning to barbque hot dogs and do fireworks with you. Poor Belle is having a horrible time this week. Where Jamison doesn't even seem to notice the fireworks the noise does terrible things with Belle. Kristen has already had to start giving her her medication to calm her down so she doesn't notice the noise. Bottle Rockets can be pretty loud when they're only a few feet away.

I have great memories of the 4th of July growing up. Every year we'd go to Mamaw's and Papaw's in town. We'd park the car at their house on Ford Street and walk the few blocks to Main Street by the Catholic church to watch the parade. If we were really lucky, some years we were early enough to be able to cross the street and sit on the curb in front of Foster's Freeze and dad would buy us an ice cream cone dipped in any flavor coating we wanted: chocolate, strawberry, butterscotch. It was so hot that when you broke through the coating the ice cream would have started to melt and would run through your fingers, over your hand and down your arm. I don't remember caring very much.  

Jamison Boys on the 4th of July
One year we all got cowboy hats, holsters and guns to wear. In fact, I think almost every year we got new hats. We didn't get a lot, but, dad and mom made sure that we celebrated every holiday. When we were little, holidays were always celebrated with one side of the family or the other, and sometimes, if we were really lucky, we were all together.

One thing I feel bad about is that I don't know more about my dad's time in the army. He didn't really talk about it.I wish I had asked more. Maybe if I put all the bits and pieces together I would have more than I think I do. 

Did I tell you that grandma fell a couple of weeks ago. That darn Parkinson's Disease! She said she was letting Annie out and her body just froze and she fell head first into the front door. Dad called to check on her last week, I'll call today. I'll keep you posted.I had an email from Rita last week and she too fell. Darn post-polio! She doesn't remember anything about her fall. They think it might be related to her rapid heartbeat. I'll call today and chat for awhile. I didn't want to do it via email. I have a list of questions.

Son, what do you suppose we would be doing if you were here right now? I think we'd be sitting on the front porch, drinking iced tea and laughing. Next to your hugs, I miss your laughter the most. Dad's laughing and joking again. Oh geez, I forgot to tell you. The other night at dinner I was talking to the person next to me and just turned to say something to your dad and he was out on the dance floor! Remember that crazy way he dances with his knee half way up, twisting on one foot with his arms going? Yea, that one! That's what he was doing. I looked up just in time to see Corey charging across the dance floor to join him. What a hoot! It's probably been 30+ years since I've seen him do that. I know! Amazing huh? He didn't think it was so amazing the next morning!

Had a tragedy with one of the baby chicks yesterday. Suffice it to say, it may survive but it doesn't look good. Poor thing. They are so tiny and cute.

Corey volunteered to bake a wedding cake for today. I think she's slightly loony; 90 degrees and she's got the ovens cranked to 350 all day. I asked her to send me a picture of the cake and this is what I got.... 

This was phase two....

I hope I get a picture of the final product before someone hits it with a knife!

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom