Sunday, July 8, 2012

Better late than never!

Good afternoon son. Surprise! I'm checking in this afternoon because there's so much going on today and tomorrow. Due to the heat  dad and I are switching our routine around and doing things like we use to do in Oakdale. We're running our errands in the cool morning hours and staying in during the afternoon.  

It was quite another full week last week. I have no idea where the time goes. We look up and it's Monday morning and the next thing we know, it's Friday again.

Dad and I took care of chickens a couple of days this last week while Corey and Jon were away. Right now what that means is, about a dozen grown, egg laying chickens, about 25 baby chicks, two chicks that aren't quite Chicken alert! Or at least that's what a sign should read. There are now about a dozen laying hens, 25 babies and two that we call, middle chickens because they're not babies and are and not fully grown (Josh and Dylan were raising these two at school), and two baby chicks that were injured and are receiving special care. They are spread out all over the property. The grown hens are free range so all you have to do is leave the gate open and they come and go during the day. At night they go their coup and you just shut the gate. The baby chicks have a pen enclosure and so you just have to make sure they have food and water, the two injured baby chicks are recuperating in the garage so they just need to be checked on and make sure they have fresh food and water. The two middle chicks usually free range during the day and come back to their food and water area at night. Now you're notice I said "usually". When Diane dropped Josie off on Tuesday afternoon she said she hadn't seen the two middle chicks all day. When we went over later to getting them all to bed, (Yes, I went to help. The night before those two gave dad a run for his money. I wish I had seen it. Can' t you just see him running all over the yard his knee in a brace and his cane in his hand trying to capture those chickens?)  Josh chases them every night and I think the chickens think it's a game. Anyway, we took care of the other chickens and Biscuit and went to look for the two middle chickens We hit shrubs, I had a fish net believe it or not, we looked around the pool, under the chicken coup and so on and so on. The only place we didn't look, and I can't imagine why we didn't think of it, was the piano room. Given that the entire family is musically inclined I don't know why we didn't think of the piano room! Go figure. Anyway, that's where Dylan found them: hungry, but none the worse for ware. 
Corey, Paul & Renee
 Corey and the kids went the to Jamison family reunion this last week in Indiana. I think they're having a great time. At least from the pictures and text messages it sounds like they're having a ball.

Princess and the PonyLast Tuesday and Wednesday Josie was with us. As always, we did crafts, she ate uncle's chocolate donuts, chewed his gum, well not HIS gum, but she had a piece of his gum. We watched Princess and the Pony for about the 129th time. It's so amazing that kids can watch the same thing over and over again and see something new each time.Too bad life's not like that. Sometimes it seems as though we go through the same lesson over and over again in life. We wonder why it keeps happening to "us". Maybe it's because we didn't learn what we were suppose to learn the first time around. Maybe there was a lesson we were suppose to learn and we can't see anything new and different because we didn't learn what we were suppose to learn the first time around so we keep getting the same thing over and over again. Why is it do you think that kids find is so easy see something new in something old? When I'm with Josie sometimes I just sit and watch her be Josie. I try to imagine, like I did when you were little, what's going through that little mind of hers. People would never believe me if I'd tell them that you were a really a quite little boy and could play by yourself for hours and be happy. When we'd go on a trip with dad you'd lay in the backseat and "talk" to an action figure for the longest time. (That was WAY before car seats or seat belts were required.) Or, you'd draw or color or sing. Yep, you have always loved to sing. Even though I always wonder what's going on in Josie's head, like in yours, I'm not too sure that would be a safe place to be! Still, kids have that special way of looking at things, people and life. 

Anyway, this week we have a couple of events at work and I've got to start working on the cards for August. I have seven to do. They are so much fun though and the people that receive them so enjoy getting them. It makes it all worthwhile. I really have run out of space in my studio. I barely have room to work on even my card projects in there. I finally found someone who told me how they hang heaving items on walls in these old plaster and lath houses so now dad and I can hang the sign you and I made, the first one we did together after I got my vinyl cutter. We had so much fun doing that sign. Dad keeps asking if I really want to hang it and I keep saying yes. Now, I know that we can. 

Guess what! Allegra got her braces off this week! Can you believe she's going to be 18 in October. Scares the begeebers (don't know if that's a word but you know what I mean) out of me. It doesn't seem like it was any time when she was sitting on the kitchen counter in Oakdale while Hoho was working in the kitchen. She loved being in the kitchen. She spent plenty of time riding in the wheelbarrow  when we were working in the yard to. Ari and Lexi are in high school. They're all moving to Kentucky. Good for us, now they can come and spend some time in the summer. Allegra got to come to Oregon but Lexi and Ari didn't get to. We'll make up for that one.

Sure could use a hug today. 

My getting fit is moving right along. I've lost 14 pounds since Mother's Day. I'm still looking for a pair of walking shoes.  I spent a couple of hours looking last weekend but my feet were so swollen I could barely get my flip flops on. In the meantime I'm still doing stairs. We're eating better. We've basically given up beef. I'm not about to pay $4.98/lb for ground beef when I can get salmon for a $1 more a pound. Dad has grilled all summer.  We've found chicken dogs made by Alfredo that are absolutely delicious. Dad grills them too. We've been eating broccoli salad until it's coming out our ears but we both love it and we get our vegies too. Special K has a new chip out that's great too.  Most of the time though it's broccoli salad and chicken or chicken dog.

Well son, I could sit here and talk with you all day but I know you have things to do and I have things I need to get ready for an event at work. I can't tell you what this week because I don't know if the person it's for reads my blog. I'll tell you about it next week and have some pictures. 

Pray for dad and I this week. I'm helping dad through something that he's wanted to do for a long time now. We could use your extra prayers and strength.

Until next week, (and I promise to be on time), be Aaron, love mom

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