Sunday, January 27, 2013

Hearts of Pain and Joy!

Good morning son! Mom here!  How are things in heaven this morning? It's been a busy and fruitful week for dad and I. Hope it's been the same for you. I look forward to the time when we can sit down by the River of Life, under a shaded tree, with a fishing pole in our hands and you can tell me all about your heavenly adventures since you've been gone. I know they've been many. Can't wait to hear your laughter, have a hug and see your smile. I know God is enjoying all of those. You are such a joy-filled kid, and yes, I did say kid. I know you were a man when you left us, a great man of God, but you're still my kid.

It's been cold, colder and coldest here in New York this past week. However, it didn't slow down dad and Jamison from their daily walks with the exception of one day when it was -10 with the wind chill factor. My fibromyalgia won't let me do THAT cold so I only made it one day. But, it's warming up this week into the 20-30's so I'll bundle up and head out with them. As you know, Jamison loves the snow. He jumps from one pile to another and almost disappears he's so short. Dad brings him back and I warm up the shower and melt all the snow and ice that has frozen onto his legs and feet with the warm water. He loves it!

Josie and I started on our Valentine's Day surprise last night.I think she used 5 bottles of paint, dark pink, light pink, silver, red, & blue on one 4" salt dough heart. She got a beautiful color out of it but I hope she never wants to duplicate the color cause I don't think we could duplicate it! Can you see the tongue? No matter how hard she tries not to, the tongue sticks out the entire time she's painting. Must be the creative gene. We played computer games. Diane Acosta, not Atkins, found a website of kids games, Josie's Game Board, so we played computer games, we watched Disney's "I Carley" and a few others, we talked and about 9 pm she crawled up in my lap and was about done in. She's not taking naps any more. She turned 5 on Friday don't ya know. Did you see that birthday party? Have you ever seen a little girl have that much fun at a party? She's all glam, glitz and frills at this point. And so much fun!  She's asked for a bed here at Uncle and Auntie's so I've come up with a plan to make one that will fit in front of one of the windows in my studio. Now it's about getting things together and putting it together. We need to have a least one more "play date" to work on Valentine's so we can get our surprise put together and paint more hearts.

Hearts. They have always been an important piece of life for me. I've had the adventure of my physical heart trying to "overdo", three heart ablations, a trip to Oklahoma Medicall Center for the last one, the scare of my heart beating four times faster than it should and your dad being so frightened but the only thing he could do was pray. I've had all that, but you know what I think of more than that? I think about the heart in each of us, more than the physical heart, the "heart" within us that helps make us who we are. That piece of us that says who we are and directs how we lead our lives and treat others. That imperfect essence of our being that dictates the decisions and choices that we make every single day. We've all made bad decisions and choices. Whether we like it or not, we make them and whether we like it or not, we live with the consequences. But, I like to think that although I make bad choices and decisions, it is seldom and the good choices that my heart allows me to make far exceed the imperfect and bad ones.

Although we sometimes view our hearts as being fragile, I prefer to think of mine as strong. And although I sometimes get my heart broken it's because I choose to put my heart out there and take chances with it. God can heal hearts. God does heal hearts. It doesn't always happen when we expect it. Sometimes it takes a very long time....according to our timeline, but in actuality, it's always perfect timing, because God only works in perfection. I like my heart.And although it can be broken and chipped and hurt, I wouldn't change my heart. God gave it to me. He has molded it according to what I will need for the life He has given me. He cares for it and comforts me when it's hurt and broken, just like my earthly father did. 
Joy comes from the heart when someone exercises their heart.  Sometimes joy comes through pain. Not always, but sometimes. I think I sometimes require a broken heart so I can recognize the joy. Joy comes in many forms and sometimes though someone. Hearts and joy have always been a part of our lives, yours, dad's and mine. And although heaven has you now, thanks for sharing your heart while you were here.

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom

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