Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Week of Fun

Chickadee, a new visitor to our porch.
Good morning son! I don't know about you, but it has been an awesome week here. A busy, busy week, but an awesome week. Dad and I were with the Troy 7 this last week and had the best time ever. Dad did all the "getting them there" and "getting them home" and I did the "make sure they don't kill themselves or each other" and "feed the pack". The Friday before I asked each of them what favorite food they'd like to have for dinner the next week.  So, during the course of the week we had breakfast for dinner which included Josh's request for buttermilk biscuits. (I know, but don't drool, it's really not one of your best attributes.) Jamo couldn't think of anything in particular when I asked on Friday, but when he saw that we were going to have hot dogs, at Trey's request, he asked if I would combine the hot dogs with mac and cheese. (I thought the same thing. I didn't know anyone but you and dad liked that combination.) I made a double batch of mac and cheese and added two, count them, two, packages of sliced up hot dogs. When it was ready I sat it on the counter and called, "dinner's ready", I turned around to grab a plate to take some out for Dylan, who wasn't home yet, and when I turned back around the bowl was empty with the exception of about one cup of mac and cheese and NO hot dogs. It was though a giant vacuum had come down and sucked the bowl clean! It actually reminded me of coming home from work, you and your friends at the dining room table singing and playing the guitar, me opening the fridge and it looked like it had been sucked dry. Those were the days. We continued on in the week with Black Bean Burgers and  Oven-Baked Zucchini Chips (Jon's the vegetarian but all seemed to enjoy them. I wasn't happy with the way the Zucchini Crisps came out. I don't think they came out as crisp as they were suppose to but they tasked good. Of course, I love zucchini! One night we had Impossible Cheeseburger Pie. Dylan's favorite. Actually, if Corey gets to it first it would be another lost cause for him so he has to be quick. Hunter is not really a sweets eater, although between Corey and I baking I don't know how he's not. But anyway, he prefers savory. So, I made another of your favorites, Chicken Spaghetti Casserole with Garlic Butter pull-apart rolls. (I already told you, "stop drooling", it's not polite!) And then there's Miss Josie. I think I told you last week, but she requested Lemon Pie with her name on it. No problem! 

I know, it sounds as though all we did all week was cook and be with the kids. Nope. In between the cooking and pick-up and delivery we covered four dining room chair cushions, decorated a bird house, built a frame for my chair (the recliner I found is really nice, but it sat so low it was killing my knees and back so dad built an elevated frame and it's perfect. Dad didn't miss one single day walking with Jamison, even in the icy rain and snow. Miss Josie has filled her head band "rack" and requested another so I finished that yesterday. Yes, she's still into all the "princesses" and she can name them all...and yes, her name is among them!

 Dad filled the bird feeder on the front porch. It gives me hope that Spring is actually coming. We still have snow on the ground and are suppose to have more the first of the week. It won't last forever but it sometimes feels that way. Sometimes I miss the early Spring and Summer of the Valley and the 105 degrees when we were swimming in March. I can't believe that Allegra was so tiny swimming with HoHo in the pool and that in May, this May, she will graduate from high school. How can that be? And Megan. Megan is having her fourth little boy this Saturday. How did THAT happen?

Dad's really missing you this week. It's March Madness. Need I say more. Every time one of his picks looses dad says, "well, Aaron would have won that one". He, your Uncle Bill and Jon have made their picks and are at it full force. The scary thing is, I think your Uncle Bill is ahead!

Today is a down day. Dad and I are taking it easy. Next week we'll hit the Habit Store and find another project for Craigslist. Until then, believe me, we have plenty to keep us busy. Next week it's time to begin our seed project too.

Today is Palm Sunday and Friday, Good Friday. I am so thankful for them both. They hold many memories for me. And promises of things to come.

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom

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