Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dreams and Aspirations

A new year huh? A new blank page? A new way to look at things?  A new anticipation of things to come? All of which I look forward to; but what happened to the last one? What happened to the last 62 years for that matter?  I don't know about you but there are certain occasions during the year; certain days; certain times and events where I stop and pause and think, where did it all go?  Did I do something useful with the last 365 days; the last 8,760 hours or the last 525,600 minutes?  The truth of the matter is if I didn't, I can't change any of that.  If I made mistakes during the last year, 2011, and believe you me, I did, I can't change any of that. Today, I have the promised of now, today, Sunday, January 1, 2012. My goal today is to make the time God gives me today, whatever that may be, or the week, hour, minutes or seconds in this day, the best that they can be. I want this year to be a happy, prosperous year. I'm the only one that can make that happen. Circumstances can effect that.

Excuse me for a moment while I digress. I need to clarify something before I go any further because I find myself wanting to qualify every single "I" statement by explain something.  I have my mother in my head this morning very lovingly saying after each "I" statement, "the Lord willing honey".  Please let me say right here and now, I cannot do anything without God. Not because I'm not physically able to do it, or financially able to do it, or smart enough to do it. I want God in it because He always wants what's best for me.  Ok, so 'nuf said.

Last night I said "good-bye" to 2011.  Not a lovingly "farewell".  But a "GOOD-BYE"! I found myself wishing parts of my life to be over.  I've always thought that wishing for any time to "be over" is a waste.  I guess I kinda still do, but I couldn't help myself.  I wanted 2011 to end!  I just felt like I couldn't get to a new or fresh start unless it was over.  Right?  Wrong?  At this point it's done and I can't change any of it.  It's just something that happened, or I let happen and it's over and done.  What's important now?  What I do with these next moments in time that I now have.

I'm really struggling with this blog today because as I actually put thoughts to paper, well, virtual paper anyway.I can see how some of you might think I've wasted valuable time by virtually wishing the last weeks of my life away. Well for crying out loud, I wasn't sitting on my butt at home the entire time.  I was still living my life and getting things done!  Let's just be honest here. We've all wished time away in our lives.  Yes, you too!  Oh, no? Does, "I wish it was Friday" ring a bell?  Thought so! I did want 2011 to come to an end. While the year had some great things in it; for the most part, for me, it was a crappy year. That being said, I have the ability to plan a new and different year and life. Now that I know what crappy for me looks like I'll try my best to work around it.  Yeah, yeah I know, some crap always seeps in but, as I've had to remind myself this morning.  There's always more good than crap!

I know this may shock many of you, or all of you for that matter (but I sincerely doubt that)  because I've always talked about the things I want to do, the places I want to go, but it was basically all talk. I never really believed any of it would happen. Okay, pick your jaw up.  Again, I'm not the only one out there!  Wipe that surprised and shocked look off your face.  Many of you are the exact same way.  And we all think we're bad people because we want people to think the best of us, we have to be that person that keeps everybody on a even keel, it's important for us to set a great example, we can't let people down, we're the responsible one, it's up to us to keep everyone going and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.  Right!  Well, it's time to stop; at least for me! I am not the center of the universe and the world isn't going to stop if I screw up or cease to exist.  Boy did it feel great to admit that to myself. The world would go on and so would  the lives of everyone else.  It may not be like they imagined it, but their lives would go on.  I wonder if this is a mother thing.  I've never really talked about it with anyone because "I'm suppose to be the responsible one"; the one that keeps everything together; the one everyone comes to for answers.  Good grief, did I just lay all of that at my doorstep!  Geez, what an idiot I've been all these years. I'm just human for crying out loud, I'm not super woman; nor do I want to be. I'm not the "be all, end all".  Nor do I want that responsibility. And all along everyone has known this but me. What a putz!  (laughing at self here)

So, how about the rest of you?  In 2012 are you brave enough to admit that you're not the "be all, end all"?  You're right and so am I, life does carry a lot of responsibilities. But do we have to shoulder them all by ourselves?  I think NOT!  Do we have to give up all of our dreams and aspirations?  I think NOT! Do we have to be everything everybody else wants or needs us to be?  I think NOT! Do we always have to be THE responsible one?  I think NOT!  Is it okay to say NO?  I think SO!


Alright then, so exactly what do you want for 2012?  What dreams and aspirations do you have? Times a ticking as they say. How do you envision the next year?  Oh for crying out loud, of course I know we're not guaranteed any time beyond this moment!  If anyone knows that it's me!  But there is nothing wrong with dreaming and planning and living your life. Where would we be if little boys and girls didn't dream?  They don't know they shouldn't dream.  Their lives are built on dreams.  They dream of what they're going to be when they grow up.  They dream about having children of their own.  They dream about all the places they want to go.  They dream about being a movie star, of living in Hollywood, of starring in a rock band, of being a teacher, of walking on the moon, of saving the world, of having world peace.  We can do that!  We may have grown into an adult, but the fun-loving child is still within us.  Somewhere down deep that child who loves adventure, who has dreams is still there.  We seem to let that stinking number that we hit every year on our birthday establish what our life should be.  Who cares if you're 62 and you want to have some fun and do Zumba but you're afraid you'll look stupid?  (The "you" here is actually "I" you realize.)  It isn't like I haven't looked stupid before. I mean, I did the hula hoop for crying out loud.  Talk about looking stupid.  But as a kid, it didn't matter because it was all about having fun  Why should it be any different because I'm 62.  I just stop having fun because my age changed? I'm not dead for crying out loud, my age is just different!

So here are some of my dreams and aspirations.  THIS IS NOT A BUCKET LIST!  These are dreams and aspirations!  For me, the terms of NOT interchangeable.  Call your list whatever you like, but I challenge you to make a list. I never want to loose site of my dreams again.  Dreams don't just happen. The average everyday "Joe" doesn't wake up in the morning hearing their door bell ring and find someone from Publisher's Clearing House standing there saying, "Congratulations, you are our winner of $10,000,000".  For crying out loud, I don't know about you, but I feel great when I win a $2 scratch off ticket.  If I want my dreams to come true first I have to know what they are and then I've got to do my part. Afraid so folks, there is work involved, you can't just sit on your butt and have it just happen because you're pretty.

I challenge you, DREAM and ASPIRE in 2012!  I'd love to hear about your dreams and aspirations. I'd love to hear when a dream has come true for you. Or how you're making your aspirations a reality. Now you realize I'm not talking here about dreaming that you saw your Aunt Sally in your dreams last night. Actual, achievable dreams.  So, if you have a dream of having a baby in'd better get busy!

Some of my dreams and aspirations for 2012 are, and believe me, it's just some of them. There isn't enough virtual paper to list them all even though they say (by the way, who is THEY because THEY sure spout a lot of "facts").  Anyway, dreams and aspiration for 2012 include: (and they're not in any order...I mean are you kidding me, they're dreams and aspirations!)

My Dreams and Aspirations List 
(to be altered at a my whim!) 
Beginning?  NOW
  • getting re-acquainted with my honey 
  • spending a week, or more, at the Smithsonian
  • visiting the Lincoln Memorial
  • hug friends and family like there will be no tomorrow
  • finding a great church and new church family
  • spend oodles and oodles of time with friends and family
  • hit (no, not literally) every garage sale, swap meet, craft fair, flea market, antique show humanly possible
  • Zumba (whether it be "fad" or not)
  • more and more and more walking
  • enjoy the snow
  • re-learn the skills of childhood
  • re-learn to be amazed at the most simple details of my life
  • never forget to smell the flowers
  • take time to find the stars and enjoy clouds
  • give myself time to enjoy being creative and enjoying the process
  • love myself
  • spend more time making new friends and fostering those friendships
  • keep in frequent contact with friends
  • have more people into our home, be more hospitable and gracious
  • a trip to the Adirondacks
  • believe in myself
  • begin writing my book
  • fly a kite on the beach 
  • tell my honey dozens of times a day how much I love him and appreciate the life we've built together
  • never, ever, give up!
  • take a most amazing picture
  • visit the Atlantic Ocean
  • tour the Eastern seaboard
  • be successful in my business (This success to me means really LOVE what I'm doing, making enough money to make my dreams come true; never forgetting to share my good fortune and always, always, pass it forward.)
  • do little things that surprise people
  • believe it or not, a road trip with hubby (my best friend) and Jamison
  • be a GREAT listener 
  • be me
Well, that's a few of my dreams and aspirations. I'll keep you posted as the year rolls on. I hope you take the time this new year to think about your dreams and aspirations. Make the time for you. Sit down by a warm cozy fire, or in the sunshine, or in the car parked in the parking lot.  Tell yourself it's a new year....who cares what the age number is.  It really IS just a number. Put some fun, foolish things on that list.  Fun is always good, and foolish?  Well, it's not really all that bad.  Believe me, I fell flat on my fact, literally, three times in six weeks this last year.  Did I feel foolish?  Absolutely!  Did I hurt?  He_ _ yes!  (Just couldn't quite get that word down on paper. (My mother does read my blog ya know!) But, it was the part of my knee, arm, body hands, and face meeting up with solid concrete or asphalt that hurt; not the being foolish. I encourage you to take some chances this year.  Reach for your dreams and aspirations, laugh at the foolishness, grab hold of your inner-child and don't look back.  Life is ahead of you, NOT, behind you!

Happy New Year! 

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