Sunday, June 9, 2013

Hey, It's A Journey -- Right?

Hey everyone! Good morning. Well, actually it's technically 12:30 pm and afternoon but I'm retired and don't have to watch the clock. So, it can be morning if I want it to be! Aaron's busy this morning so I thought I'd just chat with ya all if that's okay.

How is everyone out there? Been having an eventful and busy week? I know we have. Some of these adventures we're experiencing here in Troy are not exactly what I had in mind but an adventure is an adventure so I'm just going to go with the flow. Summer for the Troy 9 has begun for some and for others it's another week of school. Come next Friday though it's going to moving up exercises at Taylor School for Josh, Dylan and Josie. No high school or eighth grade graduations this year. I don't know how that happened. But next year, Sierra will be a high school graduate! The first. Today is Hunter's 16th birthday and Josie will be in Kindergarten this Fall. Holy cow, Time moves so fast I don't know where it goes. 

As I shared previously, we've been working on our front porch, decorating with colorful painted chairs, mirrors and planting flowers. Other than hanging four baskets I have ready and adding a gate so Jamison can stay on the porch we are finished with that project. Week before last we began on the back deck. We've had a lot of rain this week so  I've been decorating ceramic tile  this week. As soon as we have a couple of nice days this week I'll begin the process of making planters and attaching the tile to the deck rails as decorations. 

The "loot"!
Yesterday I hit the "mother lode"! As I've shared before with you, most of what I use in my crafts is free from curbside pickups. If you haven't checked our the free stuff on Craigslist in your area you should. You will be amazed at the great stuff that people put out for free. Here in our area I use that, plus, everyone puts things curbside they no longer have a use for. If you can beat the garbage pickup you can get some really great stuff. You have to be really fast and get it right then. If you think you'll come back later and get it chances are it won't be there.  Anyway, on our way home yesterday a couple, two doors down from us, was unloading their garage with super great stuff. I've wanted a birdcage or two for decorating but I don't want to pay a lot and most of the time they're $100 or more. Believe it or not, our neighbor put out about 10 of the most adorable bird cages in all sizes. Another lady stopped just before me so I backed off and let her make first choice. That was really tough and I just kept praying, "please don't let her take that one, or that one, or that one"! No, I said it to myself in my head, not to her silly! She didn't take any I had my eye on so I picked up those three birdcages, two railings we are going to use for a gate on our front porch and a great wood chair to paint that's already been
stripped! Yahoo! She had four great old case windows, a couple of solid doors, more railing and a couple more birdcages, but I didn't want to be greedy. If I go by today I just may have to pick up what's left. I asked why she had all the cages and she said she works for a wildlife preserve and use to bring badly hurt birds home to care for them. As I finish with the projects I'll post pictures of what I have done. For now, here's a picture of the "loot" from yesterday. I can't wait to get started. But before I do, soccer game for Josh this afternoon and birthday party for Hunter this evening. (He's "sweet 16" but I don't think I'll tell him that.)

At some point today I need to finish two planter boxes and get my squash planted and Jon started me a couple of green bean plants. I have everything built, just need to line the planter and add the dirt. By the way. As you know from one of my previous blogs, I've been working with old dresser drawers to turn them into planters. I first tried three for me because I wanted to see how they would hold together. It is NOT pretty. The first project taught me a lot. Although I painted them with enamel outdoor paint and coated them with clear pain to project them it
wasn't enough. The paint and design work I did on the front of the drawers has weathered well. However, although the drawers were well made and dovetailed the moisture and sun has made the drawer pull away from the front panel. This next set for my squash and beans will also include a coat of polyurethane and a lining of black plastic stapled on the inside and up the sides. I'll add a layer of large pieces of pine cone in the bottom before the dirt and potting soil to assist with drainage. I'll let you know how that works.

I'm not going to kid you. I know it sounds as though all I do is play and life is grand. Life is what it is and it changes every day. I just choose to dwell on the fun and the great things. Once in awhile something hits a little harder than usual and I do have a moment that I believe I just can't deal with all of it any more because I don't have the strength. Then in a brief moment of clarity I am reminded that I don't need to count on my own strength. When I count on my own strength my knees crumble, my legs twist, my hands shake, the tears come and I'm overwhelmed with life. Yes, I'm human and I falter. I'd like to say that I'm always happy and I'm always joyful. If you perceive me that way I don't know if that's good or bad, but, it can become a burden for me, --if I let it! As I said, the Lord sometimes, more often than not, has to remind me that my own strength won't get me through, that's what I have Him for. Just as I counted on my earthly father to be there for me, I also have a Heavenly Father that is there for me. Later, as I got older and found my knight in shining armor and love of my life  I was able to add yet another source of strength. My dad is gone but I still remember his love and it strengthens me. My hubby is here and his strength and love continue to support me and I trust him to be there for me and he has never failed. So it is with God's love. He is always there if I just reach out my hand and say, "catch me for crying out loud, can't you see my knees are buckling"! And I can feel Him reach out His hand, grab hold of me, laugh and say, "All you had to do, was ask".

Until next week, I know Aaron is being Aaron, you be you, and we'll talk next week.


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