Sunday, December 9, 2012

19 Days...But Who's Counting?

Trichelle and Jenny - It's cookie baking time!
Good morning son! Well, I guess I should really be honest about it cause I don't want you to think you're "loosing it". It's really noon here in California on Saturday. I know, I know, I'm early but there is so much going on I didn't want miss telling you about it. Today is bake day for the Christmas party on December 15th. Actually, I've been baking all week but there baking cookies and making candy today. Most of the gang is here. Trichelle and her four, Hannah, Kaleb, Zach and Abby. Jenny and her little one, Dennis. Heather, Mom, Diane, Ron and me. They're baking sugar, oatmeal, oatmeal chocolate chip, buttermilk,ginger, Spritz, and date cookies. Rocky Road, fudge, and peanut brittle candy. I've made four fruitcakes, two loaves of apricot/walnut bread and four dozen cinnamon rolls. A couple of days before next Saturday's party I'll bake a couple of Raisin Walnut pies. We're going to have lasagna, green salad and garlic bread for lunch next week. It will be a lot of fun. Wish you and dad were here.

Diane and I will go to the airport next Tuesday and pick Rita up. She'll be here through the 15th. We'll bake more, read, watch more Christmas movies, go to the Consignment Store, maybe back to Twain Hart to the Country Pharmacy, maybe Jamestown, maybe just stay in and read and eat. Who knows, we kinda play it all by ear.

I've been talking with dad every day and we write frequently via email. It's so nice to have email. I remember in the "olden" days we couldn't call very much because it was long distance and it took a week to get cards sent. I was usually only gone a week, or dad was, so dad usually packed cards and notes throughout my luggage...along with vitamins!  This time, it's an entire case full of vitamins and pills. But on the upside, I only had to bring a small carry-on because both Auntie Di and Grandma have a washer and dryer so I don't have to bring all the clothes I use to pack.

It's beautiful here on the mountain. Most days have been sunny and clear. The last couple of days the fog (Remember the coastal fog?) has rolled in later in the afternoon. Last night was chilly but I don't think the weather has been anything near what dad and Jamison have been experiencing, ice rain! It hasn't stopped them from the daily walk though. Dad said the other day when he came back he had to give Jamison a warm bath to wash off the icicles. I guess every day Jamison has caught the scent of either a rabbit or a deer and chased them out of their respective beds. One day Jamison caught dad off guard and took off running. Dad said he had to run to keep up and ended up in "Brier Rabbit's thicket" at the top of a knoll. It must have been pretty funny seeing this little 20 pound dog, running from mound to mound tracking a rabbit while dad, bundled up like the kid in "Christmas Story" running on one good knee, a knee brace and a cane trying to keep up without toppling over! If they had been running down hill Jamison would have probably been dragging dad. It's a funny sight to think about but it wouldn't have been very funny if he had fallen cause I wasn't there for him to call for help.

A mother's love for her son shines through.
I can hardly believe that Christmas is only a few days away. By now, you would have been wearing your Santa hat since July and singing Christmas carols. I was just thinking yesterday about all the years we made Christmas cookies. We did it every year since you were three except for your last year. It was always such fun.I'm looking forward to looking through the Christmas album with dad before Christmas this year. Memories are a two-edged sword. They can be wonderful and at the same time, cause such great pain. I often wonder about Joseph and Mary and the memories they had with their child. They were parents and wanted the same things for their son that dad and I wanted for you. They were human just as dad and I are human. Sometimes I think we put them up on a "different level" but if I really stop and think about it, they were a mom and dad just like dad and I are a mom and dad. They wanted what was best for their child. They sent him to school, took him shopping, cared for and worried about him when he was ill. Clothed and fed him. Joseph had a job and worked everyday for his family. They went to church. They had friends and family and shared special family events. Mary took care of the home, invited guests to their home, made their clothes, all those things that dad's and mom's do every day. Mary must have had an amazing faith.And just think, today, both of our sons are in heaven together. So many centuries apart, ending up in the exact same place, together. Quite amazing isn't it when you think about it.As a mother, I know, even though she knew from the beginning what the outcome was going to be, she would have changed nothing to have had those few years with him while he was here on earth. I wouldn't either. However, that doesn't mean that this mom, here on earth, doesn't shed tears for what she has lost and the things that will never be, I know in my heart that God has a much bigger plan.

While we're talking about it, or actually, while I'm talking about it, what IS Christmas like in heaven? We've talked briefly about this before I think. Talk about lights! Streets of gold glistening in the sunlight. The pearly gates gleaming from their daily polishing. The colors of the rainbow in the sky as the sun shines through windows of precious stones blue topaz, ruby, emerald and sapphire.How amazing life must be for you now. Do you sing Christmas carols with the angel choir? You forgot your guitar when you left but I imagine there is every musical instrument you could possible want in heaven and that you now have the ability to play them all. You were so talented while you were here, I can just imagine how you've turned things upside down in heaven. Enjoy!

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom

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