Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas eve, eve son!  I'm late getting started with our conversation this morning I know. Dad has been letting me sleep until I wake up since my trip and unfortunately, I'm not waking up until about 10:00 am. I must be having more difficulty with the time change than I thought.  As I look out the living room window this morning I can see flakes of snow as they drift toward the ground. The weather prediction for Christmas eve and Christmas day is snow. We've had several days of snow here in December but nothing has stuck. It's really beautiful just to watch and to imagine that every single, right now minute, flake that falls has an identity of it's own. No two are alike. Just like us. I know that Christmas is considered to be the season of miracles but as I sit here and watch the tiny flakes fall I can't help but to think about the miracles that are around me every day. It's amazing to think that God knows the number of grains of sand on the beach. Just consider the fact that the "beach" flows under the ocean waters as well as what we can see along the ocean borders. And consider the fact that He knows the "cattle on a thousand hills" as the song writer wrote. Hey, I consider it a miracle that God loves me. I know how much your dad loves me. But to think that God loves me more? How much is more? How could there even be any more. I don't think there's any way for us to know how much God really loves us and how many miracles really occur in our lives every day. I wonder what it would be like if we could see the miracles as they happen. I wonder how many times we see a miracle and brush it off to coincidence? It is true, God is a maker of miracles. We have to believe. We have to trust. We have to know that God wants only the best for us. We have to know that His plan works in the best of timing. His timing. We have to do all that God gives us the power to do on our own and then trust that God's timing is perfect. As difficult as that must be.  To not believe, to not trust, to "force" our time table on God's miracle is saying we know better than God. If we love and trust our earthly father who has "miracle" limits, how could we not trust our Heavenly Father who has no limits?

I've been watching every Christmas moving I can possibly see this Christmas season. Some I have seen before but for the most part the ones I have seen are new to me. It seems they have the same theme. Something bad has to happen in order for the miracle to happen Last night we watched a couple of the "Touched By An Angel" Christmas shows. In trying to explain why the person had died the reason given was, "they had finished what God had given them to do". It raises a question for me in that I didn't think we ever finished what God has given us to do but then again, we are all created for a purpose. That purpose is to glorify God. Anyway, I'm getting off track here. The natural question for me, given that thought, is naturally, what purpose did God have for you here on earth that you finished? Dumb, I know, but a natural question for a parent. I know I certainly wasn't ready for you to be finished. You had a full, talented life ahead of you, children to have and raise, people to touch and bless. Who knows where your talents would have taken you. And yet God said, you are complete.It's funny. As I write this I thought I would get angry, but I'm not. God shared you, a miracle, with me. You were living proof that miracles occur every day. Babies are born every day. What better way to see a miracle than to bring a baby into this world. There just isn't one. Think about the cycle of life is amazing and a miracle in itself.  The doctor didn't believe that there was any way he could bring you into this world alive. And yet, there you were for 38 years. Alive, breathing and praising Him. Just as you were created to do. And, we were privileged to be an integral part of God's miracle. To raise you, take care of you, provide for you, love you, enjoy your wonderful hugs, hear your laughter, wipe away your tears, share your pain and have you love us in return. What greater miracle could anyone ask?
Aaron Matthew Jamison

As dad and I enjoy this Christmas season we "hear' your laughter around us as we bring out the memories of the Christmas toys, the ornaments, the pictures of Christmas' past and share stories. Dad and I continue to look for miracles each and every day. We get anxious. We get upset  because we can't do all those things for people that we use to do. We get fearful at times because we can't see the answer. Sometimes trust and miracles seems so far away and out of our reach. BUT, down deep in the deepest places in our hearts, we KNOW, God is in the miracle business, He wants only what is best for us and His miracle is in the making for 2013 and always. Merry Christmas son! We know you remain a special son in the eyes of the King and your Heavenly Father. Just as you do in ours.

Until next week, be Aaron, love mom

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