Monday, October 10, 2011

Son, We're Really Home!

Well son, how was your first week in heaven? I can only imagine the joy you are experiencing living with the Lord and basking in his light.  I hope you don't mind the interruption but I have some things I want to tell you. Dad and I love you and miss you but we're oh so happy for you.  How does it feel to be perfect?  I bet you haven't even noticed because you're spending so much time on the important things, like talking with the Savior, singing with the choir, marveling at the River of Life and praising the Lord.  Dad and I are so thankful that you are pain free and cancer free. Bet you haven't even noticed huh?  You're too busy doing important things, like praising the Lord. We're rejoicing with you!  As I've told you before, dad and I are fine. So is Kristin.  You laid a perfect foundation for us all.

"The Gang". Well part of them anyway!
Corey, Jon and the kids have been the wonder you imagined.  They share our loss and our joy.  They've supported us through your transition just as you dreamed they would. We know that there will continue to be "those moments" when we miss you terribly but we no longer feel the pain of being helpless.  Thank you so much for the dream you had for us and for the gift you gave us. We're truly happy here in Troy and Troy is very much now home.  The fact that you wanted us to come back and get settled was another amazing gift you gave us. When we had our conversation mid-summer and you said you'd rather we'd come back to Springfield, all of us knew that it would mean we would not be able to come back for your memorial service.  We all decided that we'd rather spend the time together visiting and having a good time and going to Relay for Life.  We all understood, that financially, we could only make one trip.  You'll be happy to know, if you don't already, that God worked a miracle, again!  When the news of your transition hit the news and the fact that dad and I couldn't financially afford to make the trip, several airlines, and some friends came forward and offered to pay our way, round trip. As you can imagine, it "blew our minds".  

Dad and I were in no shape to handle any of it.  So, just as you planned, Corey was right there.  She handled everything. Jon was right there with her pitching in.  Corey was able to go with us because Jon was willing to stay home and take care of the family.  What a team!  If someone had a question I was just able to forward it to Corey.  We ended up traveling with Southwest Airlines. They offered the best route for our needs.  Corey arranged everything and she said the airline was absolutely wonderful.  Dad and I were kind of out of it but we just followed the sound of Corey's voice and we were able to navigate the entire trip and have a good trip. 

We had many offers from friends to stay while we were in Springfield.  In the end we decided to stay in a motel.  We would not have been good company and it was nice to have a quiet place to retreat when we needed to.  We all talked together a lot about you and our memories.  You, dad and I have talked many times over the years about the memories we created together. Many of the memories  we thought were being created for you only to find out they were memories we were going to need.

Your dad, my knight in shining armor.
You would have laughed your head off if you had been on the plane with us.  As you know, dad has a slight, just slight, competitive streak in him.  Yeah, right! So, he wants to be first to the airport, first to board and first to de-board.  Getting to the airport early had to be defined.  Early for Corey means the plane isn't rolling down the runway! Early for dad means you're at the gate in a seat two hours before boarding the plane!  We compromised.  Corey is a wonder at traveling, as you would imaging since she's on planes as much as she's on land.  She had everything printed and ready to go.  Southwest employees knew who we were and were ready for us at every single gate.  The whole process was seamless for us. Boarding was no problem.  The airlines make sure we were pre-boarded at every gate.  It worked wonderfully for dad because of his knee.  And you'll be happy to know he navigated the entire trip without his brace.  It's the one thing we forgot if you can believe that! But, the good thing is, Corey had grabbed dad's cane when she loaded the suitcases so he did just great.  He loved sharing his cane and what you had written on it so it was just as well that he forgot his brace.  You'd have laughed to know that Corey had looked up Dr. Slocum's office and had his number in her phone, "just in case". She didn't miss a beat.  The most difficult thing on the plane ride for dad was having to wait to de-board.  His competitive edge just really wanted to get off that plane. It was much easier to wait until everyone was off and then we could take our time.  Whether he admits it or not, it was easier for him too and he was less likely to turn that knee.  He's a real trooper though and made it just fine.

The three of us had a wonderful trip together.  We laughed, talked, read, slept and ate. Do you have any idea how many Raisinets your cousin Corey can eat?  Flights were uneventful and we arrived in Springfield about 6pm Friday night. Your uncle Ron and Auntie Di arrived a few minutes before we did.  They dropped grandma off in Central Point at Aunt Lena's so she could have a good night's sleep.  Jim was picking them up the next morning to bring them up for the service. We all had a quick dinner together and then went back to our room to rest for the next day.  I don't think Corey rested, she had a 10 page paper to write!  Besides, I don't think I've ever seen her rest.  I think she has a wind-up key somewhere and I haven't found it yet!

I was able to spend some great time with friends and family Saturday morning.  We all met at Gateway Mall for coffee and later a quick lunch before the service.  It was great to visit, laugh and cry.  We have such great friends in Springfield son.  Dad took the opportunity to run a few errands. Uncle Ron took the opportunity to check out Cabella's. I don't think he fishes, hunts or golfs.  Must be a "man thing".  It was super great to see grandma, Ron, Auntie Di, Jim and Aunt Lena.  It was a very long trip for all of them but it was so great to look over and see them all sitting there in the family row.

I must say we were a little apprehensive about the service. You being you, we didn't really know what to expect.  Son, it was a beautiful service.  Everything was perfect. Your pastor Tony did an amazing job.  The service was seamless.  The songs were just you. Kristin was beautiful.  You would have been amazed or, maybe you were watching, it wouldn't surprise me at all. Dad and I were so blessed.  It was so comforting to know how well your pastor knew you.  It was comforting to see how many lives you have blessed.  It's so comforting to know how many people love you.  Yes, I'm writing in the present tense because I believe that just because the Lord wanted you home it does not lessen the love people have for you here on earth.  Hundreds of your friends were there to celebrate your life.  

We tried to find Mr. Siegle but in the mass of people around us expressing their love for you and giving us hugs we could not find him.  We'll be writing many cards in the next couple of weeks.  

Oh, I know you'd want to know this.  During the service, Tony mentioned your birthday. After the service, Joe Leahy came up and told me that he and his wife Judy were were married on your birthday, February 24, 1973.  That kind of explains the special connection that you've always felt with Joe.

Home, a beautiful sight!
Once the service was over dad and I realized we really wanted to go home.  We had already planned on leaving Sunday morning but I didn't know how I'd feel about leaving so soon.  But we were ready. It is wonderful for both of us to know that Troy is home. Dad said someone was commenting on the winter months in NY and how difficult they were going to be and dad said he caught himself defending the weather in NY.  It suddenly dawned on him that he was defending his home and it really felt great.  Troy is home.  We're dreading nothing any longer.  We're looking forward to our life here.  We're anticipating great things here.  We're finding joy here.  Again, thank you for the gift.  Everyday finds us "unwrapping" another piece of the gift.  We think of you every time we discover something new.  But, it's not with sadness, but with joy.  I'll continue to keep you posted as time goes on.  Continue to enjoy the presence of the Lord.

I have to share one last thing for right now.  Some people will think this is gross and unfitting I'm sure.  I'm sharing  it with you because I know you'll laugh your head off.

As I said, when we arrived in Albany NY, we waited until the plane was clear before de-boarding.  Corey and I laughed our heads off watching dad as he twitched, grumbled and turned wanting to get off the plane.  It was a standing joke every time the plane landed..  On the last leg of our journey, as we were de-boarding in Albany last night, dad was twitching, grumbling and turning as he was waiting.  He looked over at me and said, "Oh woe is me.  I guess I could be Biblical about it and sit here in sack cloth and ashes. Yep, you know your mother well.  I did it!  In rapid fire I immediately replied, "well, we had the ashes but we shipped them Fed-Ex".

We have so many people to thank, including you. You've left an amazing footprint and Dad and I believe your message will continue to ring...Choose Joy!

Until next time, mom

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,

Just wanted to share my joy with you and Ray for raising such a wonderful son. I enjoyed reading your blog very much and felt your love for Aaron on every word.

Take care,
Shari Higgins