Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick...Literally

Snow...October 27, 2011
Hey son!  What's with the snow?  It's October for crying out loud.  I think the last October snow here in Troy was back in the early 1800's.  Are you trying to be funny?  Did you have anything to do with this?  I bet you're sitting up there just laughing your head off!  It's actually quite beautiful. I told dad yesterday I'm actually looking forward to winter this year.  I'm tired.  It will be a chance to slow down and enjoy. A time to reflect.  A time to remember. A time to refresh.  In the meantime, life continues to be full and never ever dull!
So,the week began on Monday morning and I'm here to tell you....the week began with a pun intended.  The flurry of snow came later in the week. This is the "flurry" of weekly events.  You got that right?  I mean you do understand there is a difference in the use of the word "flurry" here, right?  I mean, I don't want to confuse you.  I want you to understand there is a difference in the way I have used the word.  Got it?  Okay, just wanted to make sure.  Now if at any time you need it clarified just let me know.  I sure don't want to leave you in the dark at any time.  Oh, go on with the story?  Oh, okay, just didn't want to confuse you!

Here's the exact text I received from Corey about 9:30 am:

"Can u pls get Josh from school and bring him to office with some tweezers?  He has giant tick.  Then I can take it out and could you take him back?" 

Fortunately for me, I was actually out of bed and ready for the day.  Not a normal thing these days. I gathered my gear and headed out.  Josh and I arrived at KJCG about 15 minutes later and were directed to the conference room where we found Corey in the midst of a board meeting via Skype.  She proceeded to swivel the computer around and said, "here Aunt Jan, meet Judith.  Judith, meet Aunt Jan".  Judith and I said our hello's.  Josh and I said hello to everyone else in the room, Corey excused herself from the meeting and we headed to her office where she promptly removed the tick from the middle of Josh's back. Now came the real challenge.  What to do with the tick.  I suggested washing it down the drain, and in a hurry, because I was holding the cup with the tick crawling up the edge!  Corey said she had tried that and they just crawl back up into the sink.  So we headed to the break room.  With Josh close at hand, because it's alive and an animal so where else would he be.  Now, Josh suggests that he take it home and add it to his menagerie.  Thankfully, Corey didn't think that was such a hot idea but it didn't keep Josh from listing all the reasons why it would be a great idea.  In the meantime, while the discussion between Josh and Corey continues, Corey is looking through the shelves in the break room trying to come up with some way to dispose of this little creature that continues to try to wind itself up the side of this coffee mug.  (Come to think of it, I wonder who's coffee mug she was using?)  Anyway, the first thing she grabs is a bottle of Frank's Hot Sauce and pours a dollop on the top of the tick.  The tick looks up and just slides across the top of Frank's Hot Sauce and begins it's wind up the side of the coffee mug.  Next, she grabs the dish soap and adds a dollop of that.  Same results.  At the same time she is now spraying the tick with Fantastic, Renee, her Executive Partner, comes in carrying a lighter.  Now Josh is all over this.  Fire! I mean you should have seen those blue eyes literally light up. Now we go into the conversation about the importance of NOT spraying a cleaning chemical such as Fantastic and striking a match or lighter to it. Now all the while Corey is explaining the dangers of mixing the chemical and fire and the explosion that would occur I see the wheels in Josh's head turning.  Corey is asking, "are you listening to what I'm saying to you Josh?'.  I'm imaging this conversation in Josh's head: "...and Jamo, mom said if you spray a kitchen chemical onto something and then light it on fire you'll get an explosion!  How far do you think we could blow something up?"

Dad is helping me this week in getting the studio complete.  Projects take us both much longer than they use to.  Of all the projects I want to do this one is probably the most complicated because we're switching two complete room which means moving two rooms of furniture.  We're using the dining room as the staging area so the house is in total disarray.  And you know how long I can tolerate THAT!  We'll, I hit my "tolleration

"It was here a minute ago!"
The chicken saga continues.  The cold weather has made it necessary to now HEAT the chicken's water!  The boys went out the first morning and couldn't even get the lid off the water container.  It was frozen shut.  It's going to be interesting to see how they work out the heat issue.  Probably a huge long orange cord!  Then, with the snow storm last night, the tarp over the chicken yard collapsed.  So I would imagine everyone is out in the snow this morning trying to lift and shake off 100 pounds of snow from a tarp so they can put it up again to catch the NEXT 100 pounds of snow!

Jamison loves the snow but because it's so deep and so much of it we're going to need to get him some booties.  He's already started wearing his sweater. He was belly deep this morning on the deck but even before I could get the camera out he decided it was time to come back in.  He was sick this morning and has been kinda laid back for him so it could be he's just not feeling well.

Dad brought the winter clothes up this morning.  I hate the job of switch clothes out but with a very short 4' closet there really isn't an option to do it any other way.  Winter clothes are so bulky.  Anyhoo, that task is complete.  I even managed to store the tubs of my summer and spring clothes in the bottom of the closet so dad didn't have to carry them back down the stairs.  The only problem with me doing that is they're too handy to rummage through if I think I packed something away.  When they're down in the basement, I don't give it a second thought about going down and revisiting what I packed.  Especially when there's 2" of water down their at times!

It's 1:30pm and I'm still waiting for dad to put up the rest of the shelves.  Now, he's taken Jamison and run a "quick" errand.  Right, quick!  He put up the four longer shelves up yesterday and I got the contents of my cabinet moved.  Once he gets the shelves up today, and yet, he will.  He promised and he's never broken a promise.  He doesn't make them often because he promised years ago to never break one.  I see him coming up the driveway.  I just made some fresh tea so we'll have lunch and tea and then it will take him a couple of hours to finish putting up the shelves and the curtain rod and then he can watch football to his hearts content while I move everything but the kitchen sink.  I am so thankful the Lord gave us the work table He did.  I can't believe it was free and it was worth every cent it cost to move it, whatever that figured out to be.  The Lord knew exactly what I needed; the L-shaped work surface and the removable legs that just screw right back on.  No hassle getting it from room to room and when we moved it just slid right along the inside of the truck. I believe that work table was specifically ordered for me and the man that built it didn't even know it! Ha! I love it when everything comes together.

So tomorrow is Halloween.  That means a couple of different things in our family.  One, it's Halloween and we would decorate until our arms fell off.  Not this year so much. Out of necessity we left most of our decorations when we moved.  It's okay though we'll add each year as were here.  The kids have decorations everywhere and needless to say, some of the decor makes noise.  Imagine that.  Just like our house.  If it didn't move or make noise you and dad didn't think there was any reason to have it!  Josie drew us a pumpkin for our front door and brought us some stickers for our fridge.  The entry is decorated for Fall and so we not completely decoration free.  The snow the last couple of days sure makes us want to get Christmas up.  Way to early for that.  It's a good thing the snow is melting 'cause dad was down in the basement this morning and came up with that gleam in his eye.  He's been going through the Christmas decorations!

The other reason Halloween has always been special is because it was on Halloween that dad gave me my engagement ring.  Dad has always remembered every anniversary.  Our first date, the date he proposed, the day he gave me my ring and our wedding anniversary.  I think with the exception of one time a couple of years ago, he has seen to it that we celebrate every date.  And since the four date come within a four month period, September through December, that's saying a lot!  Tomorrow is the 41st Ring Anniversary.  Dad always manages to find the perfect card for the perfect time in our life and this year is no exception.  Thought I'd share the verse with you since you always wanted to read the cards.

For My Wife
How wonderful it has been
to travel life's road with you.
There have been
shadows and sunshine,
twists and turns,
and obstacles we're overcome.
We haven't always known
where we were going,
and sometimes we've
even wanted to give up.
But I'm so glad we never have.
Because, always,
it has been an adventure,
and this traveling of life's path together...
How wonderful it is
that I still have you
to take my hand
and continue this journey
we started so many years ago,
with nothing but dreams and love
to guide us on our way.

Of course, he signed it "Raymond". His name is not Raymond as you know, but I've call him that since we were married.  He must chuckle every time he signs it.
You learned well from your dad son.  You learned how to treat a lady and make her feel like the most special woman in the world...and you did!

Well son, I've enjoyed our chat today.  I do look forward to Sunday and of sharing with you what's going on with dad and me.  I miss you.  Until next time, mom.

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