Thursday, July 8, 2010


As Ray and Aaron were taking me to work this morning my mind wondered, as it often does these days, back to memories we've created throughout the years. I was thinking back about his dad teaching him how to drive and laughed to myself as I thought about some of the vehicles that we've had. It's amazing sometimes how inanimate objects take a life unto themselves and make us laugh. It's not that they stand up and speak, or do they. But they do seem to have a voice. Think about the conversations that have happened in that car; talks about kids, school, church, work, life, family, friends, anger, love for each other....every type of conversation known to man has probably be held in that car. Think about the memories in that car. It doesn't matter if it's a fancy car, a car that's falling apart, a family car, a sports car...doesn't matter. Memories have been created there.

We've had many a car in our day. Hubby was in sales and marketing for years and back then, a company vehicle was provided. We've had cars in all shapes, size, owned, rented and in various stages of conditions. Just as I imagine you have had. We've memories of all of them. I remember when Aaron was little and I was helping him with doing buttons on his clothes, working with zippers and tying shoes etc. They made a "doll" that helped teach these skills so, being the great mom that I am, I bought one of these "dolls". Boy did dad have a problem with that one. But it really helped Aaron learn the processes and helped me show him how. At some point, the company car was in the garage so we had a rental for a few day. When we turned that rental car in Aaron's doll got left in that car "accidentally". Sorry son, dad owes ya.

Aaron was the best child ever to travel with. He could take two action figures or a pile of Legos and spend hours traveling having a great time in back seat, or he'd lean over the front seat and fall asleep. Aaron never stopped when he was little. He was on the go constantly. Much like he is today. But, when he did slow down a minute, especially riding in the car, he fell asleep. It was always great fun to all of a sudden hear silence and look over your shoulder and there his little head would be on the back of the seat and he'd be sound asleep. Memories. What a wonderful thing. As he got older and had cars of his own, they weren't always the greatest. Sometimes they were four wheels and a frame. I remember an old Buick once that looked pretty good on the exterior, but it could afford to. On the inside most of the door panels were gone, the upholstery had seen many better days and if I remember correctly, it was lopsided. As I watched him leave the driveway one day and I said my quick prayer, "please keep him safe Lord", I began to think about where that car had been in its life and the memories that had been made in it.

The Old Buick
jan jamison

I drive an old Buick, it looks like it hurts
I haven't figured out all it's kinks and its quirks
The body is showing the life that it's had
I want it to tell me "bout the life that it's had
The headliner's falling, the sunroof won't work
I just can't imagine why it rumbles and jerks
This old Buick I drive get's me where I want fine
I don't really care...most of the time!
I just imagine down deep, deep inside
The memories it carries are those of great pride
The day it helped Bill get the dog to the vet
The children were crying 'bout the fate she had met
The day that my grandma came for a stay
To make memories for grandkids as she joined them in play
The time it helped Susan, the neighbor due East
Who thought she'd been chased by a terrible beast
The night it gave comfort to a lonely, lost man
As he stumbled and tripped and reached out for a hand
I know this sounds trite as far as life goes
To imagine a Buick with memories like those
It isn't the Buick this tale is about
It really is simple, I'll share with you how
The Buick is simply a tool that's been sent
To share with God's children, their lives and events
If all you can see in these versus you've read
Is an image of a Buick inside of your head
You'd better consider the course that you've taken
The lives that you've touched, the decisions you're makin'
Cause you haven't got it, the truth about life
You'll need all these answers, you must get it right!

To those of you who might be reading. Thanks for allowing me to share these memories with you. Life continues to be an amazing ride. I'm so thankful I know who's at the wheel.

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